Smoking Struggles Continue

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Mary continued to fidget nervously, her voice still small. "I am sorry."

Meredith sighed, her tone softening. "I know."

A notification on Meredith's phone interrupted their conversation. She retrieved her phone to check the message, her jaw clenching as she read it. She then put her phone away and looked at Mary, her expression resolute. "We should get going."

Mary, her voice uncharacteristically meek, nodded, silently following Meredith back into the hospital. Their destination was Derek's office, where they would face the consequences of Mary's actions.

Derek Shepherd's office was bathed in the sterile, fluorescent light typical of hospital settings. He sat behind his desk, his face etched with a mixture of anger and disappointment. The atmosphere in the room was tense and suffocating, and Mary felt a growing pit of dread in her stomach.

As they entered, Derek's gaze immediately locked onto Mary. His blue eyes, usually warm and caring, now burned with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. He didn't say a word, but his silence spoke volumes.

Meredith took the lead, her voice uncharacteristically stern as she addressed her husband. "Derek, we need to talk about Mary."

Derek's jaw tightened, and he leaned back in his chair, his arms folded across his chest. He didn't break eye contact with Mary, who couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze and stared at the floor instead.

Meredith continued, her tone unwavering. "Mary started smoking again."

The words hung in the air like a heavy cloud. Derek's eyes seemed to bore into Mary's soul, and she felt exposed, vulnerable.

"You promised us," Derek finally said, his voice laced with disappointment and thinly veiled fury. "You made a deal, Mary."

Mary swallowed hard, her throat dry. She couldn't find the words to defend herself, knowing that she had broken their trust. Meredith could sense Mary's inner turmoil and sighed softly.

Meredith stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Mary's shoulder. "Derek, Mary has been going through a lot since the shooting. She's been struggling with PTSD."

Derek's anger seemed to soften slightly as he considered Meredith's words. However, he was not one to easily forgive and forget, especially when it came to matters of discipline and safety.

"You should have come to us," Derek said, his voice less severe but still firm. "We would have helped you find a better way to cope."

Mary finally looked up at her older brother, her eyes filled with regret. "I didn't want to burden you."

Derek's gaze softened a fraction, but he shook his head. "That does not get to be a thing." He eyed his sister sternly before continuing, "Mary, you're not a burden. You're family."

Meredith nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "We're here to support you, but you have to be honest with us. You have to come to us when the cravings come back. You have to let us help you."

Mary's shoulders slumped, and she felt a wave of guilt wash over her. "I'm sorry, Derek. I messed up. I know you're angry."

Derek leaned forward, his elbows on the desk, and clasped his hands together, his voice gentler now yet still firm. "I'm not angry, Mary. I'm disappointed."

The words stung more than any punishment he could have doled out. Mary felt her eyes well up with tears, and she fought to hold them back. Derek and Mark were more than just brothers - they were her role models, mentors, and parents. She strived to make them proud, and her two brothers knew that. Therefore, Derek's disappointment, while fair, was painful.

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