the island exam part 1

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" ayanokouji come here "

Suddenly I was called by sensei

" is there anything you need sensei "

" you see since you are a kid every lunch will be provided by the school for free "

" thank you sensei "

" it was done by the school "

I went back to the conversation where I discovered that we were arguing over if we should buy s toilet like children. Wait I am a kid so it's OK.

" why are we fighting for "

" oh ayanokouji, would you feel comfortable using a cardboard box as your toilet "

" I personally would feel uncomfortable but I think I could endure it for a week."

" see even the kid agrees he can endure it for a week "

Yukimura spoke, it seems that my opinion mattered a lot.

I stood off to the side while the girls argued about if they should or not.

I wouldn't mind like I said earlier but I believe I would take longer than normal if I were to use such a toilet.

" sigh I can't understand why they ate arguing over buying a toilet while there are more pressing problems."

I looked behind me to see horikita standing there.

" we are part of the worst class after all, it's only natural that it will be difficult."

" do you think they should purchase the toilet "

I spoke what was in my mind as I wanted to know her opinion.

" I can personally go through without a problem but the other girls would be able to. "

" would you agree with buying a toilet then "

" I would " spoke horikita

I understood where she was coming from.

Overtime the class agreed to buy the toilet and we needed a leader.

" i think that hirata kun should be class leader. "

It was said by none other than kei karuwizawa.

Even though she doesn't have as much influence as she had before her take would not be taken lightly. Though it could have been her trying to repair hirata's influence.

" I believe horikita should be the one as leader "

Even though at the start of the year kushida's and karuwizawa influence was similar at least in our class, but now kushida influence towers over karuwizawa's.

It made sense as most people suddenly agreed.

" I don't want to be leader "

Spoke horikita. It seemed she was as blunt as ever.

" then who should be leader "

" what about you kikyo "

The girls and boys supported the idea.

" how about ayanokouji, he is one of the smartest in class "

The girls were fine with it while the boys were not agreeing with the idea.

" horikita tell them you will be leader "

" huh "

" trust me "

" I can be leader if you guys are fighting over it "

I went to retrieve the card then I gave it to horikita not before I talked with sensei.

We were not having a good day they were always fighting over the smallest things. And I always had to pick a side which usually would then end up winning.

It was lunch time when I left to get food from sensei.

I got barely anything just some fruits and one of those four pieces pizzas.

" how did you get the food "

" I got it from sensei, whe said that since I am a kid they will give me a meal every lunch "

" so lucky "

" can I get some "

Ike asked it was pretty obvious why he asked the food they had looked at best something you would give your favorite dog.

" why ate you taking food from a kid "

" do you have no shame "

The girls were instantly on Ike berating him on asking food from a kid. It was like live comedy.

While I ate watching the girls scream at him, horikita came from behind me.

" they make it really easy for kids "

" I agree, I am more than fine with it "

I just didn't see why I should be against it as it only helps me and the white-haired girl with a cane I met a week or something ago.

We found a spot near a river we also found out that Ike was not useless which is so shocking.

That should be a fine day one until to find where we needed to sleep. 

For some reason the girls decided to sleep in the tents while the guys were just sleeping in sleeping bags but luckily for me the school gave me a free tent as i was a kid.

The tent could not hold other people so i just set it up myself and got in.

But i went outside when i heard that we needed volunteers to gather fruits and other types of food. 

" Can i join "

When i said that hirata nodded.

I was in a group with akito, ike and sudou while the other group had koenji, yamauchi and sakura. 

we were able to get some different types of fruits even there were some fruits that didn't originally grow in japan. 

We got back and we found out that we took back a girl named ibuki mio and koenji also left and lost us 30 points.

"why did that bastard leave " 

It seems that yukimura who wanted to gain as many points as possible was mad.

" Because of him i will get 3 k points less " 

Kei Karuizawa probably wanted those points as even if its not a lot for our class getting it every month extra would be considered a lot. 

i went to sleep early.

( I need ideas for this fanfic as its so far seems to only follow the ln but with a weaker koji )

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