May 1

3K 92 11

Today when I woke up I checked my point balance to still only show 20 thousand points.( He bought clothes and tried new things without spending much ) I asked Satou if she got any, she didn't get any either. We asked some people from our class to find out nobody got any. I got ready and went to class. The classroom was gloomy and nobody was talking. Most just waited for our teacher to come while checking their phones every once in a while. Koenji didn't seem too shocked and even had a slight grin on his face. The system is clearly not as simple as it seemed. I believe maybe our behavior in class or maybe the test we took yesterday, is what made us get no points. 

Sae sense : Good morning class, today our lesson is going to be a little more serious we are going to have a test but don't worry it won't have anything to do to your grades.

A test huh, I wonder what should I get, my class mates are complaining about having to do a test, but sensei shut them up. 

Once the test started, I looked through the questions. 20 questions, 4 per section, and 5 points per question for a total of a 100 points. However, the questions were extraordinarily easily, and so it felt anticlimactic.

The questions on this test are about 2 levels below the entrance exam questions. Everything here is too simple.

I should just get full marks as most elites should be getting high marks, it would also help me get more respect as a kid in high school. 

Flashback end 

The morning bell for the first school day of May rang. Soon after, Chiyabashira-sensei walked in, holding a poster rolled into a tube. Her face is always grim and serious.

Ike : Sensei, are you in menopause? 

Menopause, huh it's related to someone having a period 12 months when they have changes in their cycle. I thought Ike was too dumb to know something like that. 

Sae sensei : Alright, morning homeroom is starting. Are there any questions before we start? If there's something on your mind, feel free to speak up.

Chiyabashira-sensei completely ignored Ike and continued to talk. She talked as if she was completely convinced that the students had something to ask. Immediately, several people raised their hands.

 Hondou : Um, I checked my point balance this morning, and no points were deposited. Weren't they supposed to be provided on the first day of the month, every month? I was impatient because I couldn't buy the juice I wanted.

Hondou, I explained it before, didn't I? Points are wired to student's accounts on the first day of the month, every month. They were wired without any problems this month as well.

Yamauchi : Uh, but... I didn't get any points.

Sae sensei : Are you guys really that stupid. 

Hondo : Stupid? What?

Sae sensei : Sit, Hondou. I'll explain it again.

Hondo : S-Sae-chan sensei?

He looked shocked that our teacher would be so harsh to him. Maybe he thought he would have a chance, he should have had lower standards. 

Sae sensei : Points were deposited. Without fail. The likelihood that this class was left out is very low. Do you understand?

Hondo : No, even if I say I do understand, we haven't received our points.

He didn't look happy with the explanation, even as a kid i understand that he should just stop talking at this point, though he was talking to defend his pride and not because he wanted the points at this point. However, if we say that Chiyabashira-sensei is telling the truth, Isn't there some kind of contradiction? Does that mean zero points have been deposited? I had a faint doubt, but my suspicions were raised

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