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"Keefe Sencen, Fitz Vacker, Tam Song," Dex read aloud to himself, "And Dex Dizznee," he smiled to himself at the last name. His name, right there, on list of people assigned to dorm room 109. Although most people wouldn't be excited about this, Dex was, more than anything. He'd finally managed to convince his parents to let him go to this school - East Way High. Why? For one soul purpose - friends.

Dex was always locked up in his parents grand manor, feeling nothing but resentment towards the crystal chandeliers hung from every room in the house, their glaring light burning through Dex's corneas and into his dreams, or nightmares more like it. Even when people were friends with him they'd leave immediately because they found out who his parents were and were intimidated by it. Dex couldn't blame them, his parents were pretty much the most famous people on the planet.

Besides, who would even want to be Dex's friend? Th- Stop Dex, he chided himself, there's no point focusing on that. You've spent your entire life looking back, it's time to start looking forward.


He didn't know how or why, but Dex found himself drawing on his paper in science class. Sketching out random schematics for something he'd been tinkering with lately. Dex loved making all kinds of chaotic inventions but the best part was mapping it out. Part of him said, Stop, you need to pay attention, but the other part said, Screw that, we're good at this stuff and we know it. Dex was good, or at least that's what he'd like to believe. He'd never really known for sure as the only people around to comment on them were his parents, who just said that they were useless and stops him from focusing on the important things in life. Mr Maddens definitely agreed. Dex found himself having a mini panic attack when he started to peer over his book. "Um.." was all Dex could say. Great job Dex.

"Actually, Mr Maddens," a girl said from across Dex's row. What? Why was she standing up for him - she didn't even know him? The teacher walked over to the girl and started talking to her. She slowly pulled out a piece of crinkled paper from her bag, which Mr Maddens snatched from her hands. He started scanning it, although he didn't have to spend that much time on it as there was nothing on there but a few words in loopy handwriting. Honestly, Dex thought, I just drew on my book, now we're having a whole interrogation about it. Mr Maddens came up to Dex a scowl on his face, "Looks like you got lucky this time, Mr Dizznee,"


Dex was walking out of class when he saw the girl again. Dex jogged to catch up to her. "Hey," he said. She turned around and, it might just be Dex's imagination, but her eyes seemed to light up immediately or maybe it was just natural. Dex wouldn't be surprised if it was, her teal eyes looked like they would out-sparkle anything in the room. "Hi," she said, offering a shy smile. Dex returned it. "Uh, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out back there,"

"Huh? Oh that! Yeah, sure no problem,"

"No problem? You don't even know me!"

"Seriously it's fine," she assured. The girl touched his arm lightly. It was supposed to be a friendly gesture but Dex felt something when she touched it. Was it... electricity? Whatever it was, the girl felt it too as her face looked pink when she quickly pulled her arm away. "You know, us artists have to stick together." she said, smiling softly. Dex smiled back.

"But there is one thing I have to clear up," her face turned serious. Dex's thoughts were all over the place immediately. What was it? Why's her face so serious? Wh- Dex's thoughts were interrupted by the girl giggling. "Your last name's 'Dizznee'?" This made them both laugh. Their laughing fit was cut short, though.

Suddenly, the door to the janitor's closet by them swung open and they both got attacked by a rampage of brooms.

So that was the end of that part and SPOILER ALERT they get killed by the brooms... Haha just kidding (or am I...). It's so early in the morning right now and I think my humor's broken...and maybe my sanity... Anyway, MOVING ON, this part was fun to write. Although I think I like writing in Biana's perspective better, this was fun to get into Dex's backstory a bit. Also, hehe I didn't actually mention this in the description (sorry) but Dex has REALLY strict parents in this story. I was just thinking one day, while I was wasting away my life eating cold french fries (there isn't even A life when there's cold french fries), that what if Dex came to be cinnamon roll because of his emotionally abusive upbringing... My mind's really dark. I need sleep.

Bye for now ;)


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