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Biana sighed as she sat down in her chair. Maths class. Why did it have to be maths? It wasn't that she wasn't bad at it or anything or that she didn't think it was important, she just found it... limiting. Like you couldn't do anything different there or express your creativity and Biana was ALL about creativity.

That's why Designing was her favourite class. You could let your imagination run free there and you could visit millions of different places in your mind. Well, actually not all were in your mind. There was a competition that had been announced just a few days ago - the winner would get a free trip to New York! It made Biana nervous and excited thinking about it. But mostly nervous. She started twisting her fingers as anxiety clouded her mind.

She felt someone nudge her shoulder. "You thinking about the competition again?" Biana's brother, Fitz, said mockingly, doing a dramatic jazz hands when he said 'competition'.
Biana rolled her eyes. "You thinking about Sophie again?" she shot back, arching an eyebrow. Biana couldn't help but laugh when Fitz turned a deep shade of red.

Almost everyone at East Way High knew about the love triangle between Fitz, his best friend, Keefe, and Biana's best friend, Sophie. It had been nicknamed, 'The Great Foster Oblivion' since Sophie was pretty much the most oblivious person on the planet.

"Shush! Someone might hear you!" Fitz said, self-consciously looking around him and shrinking into his seat. Biana smiled and went back to the work she was doing. Her brother was embarrassed. Everything was right in the world.


Biana scoffed down her grilled cheese sandwich in one bite. "Woah, you're hungry," Sophie noted. Biana turned pink. "Sorry, I skipped breakfast this morning,"
"You shouldn't apologise for anything, Bee," Marella said, coming up to their table and taking a seat next to Tam, "The sandwiches are just that good. Can someone pass me the jam?"
"She definitely isn't wrong on that one. But why-" Sophie was interrupted by a loud yelling.

"I said, you have the jam!" Tam yelled, sliding it towards Marella.
"No, you have the jam!" Marella yelled, sliding it back.
"No you!"
"You!" Marella crossed her arms and faced away from him. Tam rolled his eyes and kissed her on the cheek. Marella responded with a small smile as pink tinged their cheeks. Everyone on the table smiled and shared looks. Tam and Marella were always bickering - that's what made them such a cute couple. "Wow, didn't realise Bangs Boy could blush! Who would've thought?" Keefe joked. Tam rolled his eyes again. "Shut up," he said, draping one arm around Marella's shoulders.

As everyone went back to their conversations, Sophie turned back to Biana, "So why'd you skip breakfast," concern filled her eyes, "Is it the nightmares again?" Biana's eyes widened. "I-" Suddenly, the bell rang throughout the cafeteria, signaling that lunch was over.

Whew, saved by the bell.


"Class, your attention please," Mr Maddens, Biana's science teacher said, causing Biana to look up from the work she was doing. "We have a new student!" he announced. The Mr Maddens moved away to reveal a boy with strawberry-blonde hair and periwinkle eyes. "Say hello, Dex," He shuffled around awkwardly like he wasn't used to the attention. "Um, hi," he gave the class a small smile, that revealed a pair of dimples, and a shy wave. Dex. That's his name. Biana thought. Cute name for a cute b- No no no no no no. Putting that thought away. Far FAR away. Besides, Biana had different things filling her mind. Why was he here? Why join in the middle of term? Why did his dimples look so adorable? Biana's face turned red and she gave up on thinking about something else.

Dex sat at the end of Biana's row. Although he was far away, in the middle of the lesson, Biana could catch a glimpse of his book - it had drawings all over it. Unfortunately, the teacher saw it too, and he definitely wasn't happy. "Mr Dizznee, drawing are we?" Mr Maddens said peering over his book. Dex's face had a look that said: I'm-dead-please-no-you're-too-old-for-me-to-die. "Um.." he seemed to be at a loss for words.
"Actually, Mr Maddens," Biana found herself saying. What am I doing? I don't even know this guy and I'm standing up for him?

Ok, I have a confession to make, this wasn't the original ending... I had like four more paragraphs but when I came back to this, they were deleted (insert sounds uncontrollable sobbing here). And I didn't really have the energy to rewrite but then I noticed that... (sorry for all of the ellipses) this was actually kind of a good cliffhanger to leave off on. Besides, this part was a bit (a bit!?!? it was like 1300 words or smth) too long for my liking anyway. Guess I'll just continue it in the next part (hehe totally just pulled a shannon messenger on you because I'm lazy).

Bye for now ;)


P.S I don't take credit for the amazing image above so please don't attack me about it :) :)

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