Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12
Leo hadn't found Zoe by the time he reached his grandmother's house. Passing by without saying good morning would not be acceptable.
"Yiayia Sophia, pou esai glykia mou," He called as he burst into the house.
Zoe was sitting at his grandmother's table. He leaned against the kitchen door as his heart beat a tatoo in his chest. He knew it wasn't because of the sprint from the harbour, which was nothing compared to his usual daily workout. Or the fact that Zoe was unexpectedly sitting there, looking gorgeous but decidedly unsettled. It was because his dear loquacious yiayia was standing next to her, showing her a photograph of his mother, and he feared that she had told Zoe everything.
"Kalimera agori mou," she said with an exaggerated air of innocence. "Look who I found walking past the house just a few minutes ago. You remember her from the wedding of course."
"Of course." Leo tried to smile. "Hello Zoe, I've been looking for you."
"How smart you are to think of finding her here," Sophia said. "I asked her to grab my pot, you put it on top of the cabinet, although I can't understand why."
Neither could Leo, but then Zoe had been on his mind since he'd woken yesterday morning.
"You were looking for me?" She asked him, appearing less tense. Hopefully he'd arrived just in time.
"Leonidas, sit down I'll make us coffee."
Dragging his eyes away from Zoe, he replied. "Ochi, yiayia, we have to leave."
"But you just got here, couldn't you stay, I'd like to meet with Zoe."
"Another time, Yiayia, I promise." He held out his hand. "We are leaving for Naxos to meet with the photographers about the wedding pictures."
A frown creased Zoe's brow, this was news to her, but still she put her hand in his. Relief surged through his veins as he dragged her out of the house.
Yiayia Sophia followed them and kissed Zoe. "Thank you for your help Zoe, please come to visit me soon."
"I'll try, I'd like that." Zoe said as she waved goodbye.
Another heart won, Leo mused. Soon the whole island would have her on a pedestal.

They were hurrying down the main street toward the harbour when Zoe realised her hand was still in his. It felt right, but she wondered if she should leave it there. As if reading her mind, Leo tightened his grip. She turned to study his face. His jaw was locked with determination.
"Your grandmother is sweet, but she seems lonely. Couldn't we have stayed for a while, she would've enjoyed that."
"She is a sweetheart, but believe me she's not lonely, she has the whole village coming for coffee most mornings. She's just curious, she knows we spent the day together yesterday." He smiled at her. "How are you, by the way, any side effects?"
"That depends on what you are referring to." Her first thought about that kiss, and the sleepless night that followed and not her near drowning. Her heart rate quickened. "Why did you dragged me away. We didn't have any plans to go to Naxos this morning."
"You mean you don't wish to go."
"No, I do, I need to go, but.... how would we get there? The ferry left hours ago. You aren't contemplating taking me in that old caique of yours are you?"
"Don't knock my father's old boat, but no something faster than that Miss Anderson."
"You googled me?" She tried not to be happy about that.
"Under female photographers, but you also come up if one types in only 'world's leading photographers.'" She couldn't help but smile. "You are extremely talented, and reckless. I don't think you were out of character at all yesterday."
"That's a matter of opinion, most of those shots are well planned, and I usually have back up, and you still haven't answered my question."
He smiled, "I realised while I was searching for info about you, that I could, there was a lot available, but it occurred to me that I didn't give you any details about myself...."
"And you'd rather I found out from you and not someone else, even your grandmother." She finished for him.
"How very astute Miss Anderson."
They were almost at the harbour when Zoe saw the same young man from Saturday morning striding toward them.
"Kalimera sas, I saw the boat in the harbour and wondered at you being here, you didn't call me Kyrie Mark......."
Leo lifted his hand and interrupted quickly. "Yiasou Petro. I'll be leaving shortly." He turned to Zoe. "Do you need anything form your room before we go?" He reached out and swept a lock of hair behind her ear. "Perhaps you should get a scarf to cover you head it will be quite windy on the boat, think sport convertible on steroids."
Zoe's heart fluttered, his fingers seared her skin as they swept over her cheek caressing her ear before playing with her lobe. His touch was both tender and sensual. "I do....I....I won't be a minute," she stammered before taking off.

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