Chapter 7

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No... no, they can't know... right?



"It may be a slim chance, but they have a way to possibly defeat me. I would prefer to be safe, than to be taken down by surprise. So you must become strong, to make sure that this does not come to pass. Do you understand? Or, are you still having trouble with the concept?"

I understood just fine. Though... it hit hard.

"What... is your weakness?"

"Heh, heh, heh... you think I would give that out for free? Just like what you have learned previously, that is information that you must discover on your own. Besides, if I tell you, it may just inspire my foes to create a way to exploit it. But even with that being said, do not fret... it is not a fatal weakness."

As he said the last sentence, he laid his hand with the glowe on my shoulder, or what seemed to have been a glowe. He seemed to want to calm me down.

"It is simply a weakness that can be exploited if my enemies were to discover it. That is why I prefer to be safe, and train you to become strong enough to take me down, in case tht ever becomes neccessary."

This... was hard for me to take out of some reason. Maybe I knew... he was a friend now. Not just an evil demon who doesn't care. He cared about me... even with his problem. I am happy he told me about it. Yet... I feel like I might be having a new and very vulnerable responsibility. Whether I want it or not. In will need to protect him. My new and only friend here.

Oh, Nik... Olivia... Gabe. Hope you guys are doing just fine. It were probably hours since I went missing... but maybe time here goes different. maybe I am already weeks away.

The important thing currntly was... to help him. Still, this information hit me.

"Take... you down? What do you mean?"

He nodded:
"You heard me correctly, my apprentice. If I were to fall, it would be preferable to have you be the one to stand against my enemies and take over the Cycle. It would be better if my enemies do not get their way. So, you will need to be as strong as I am, or even stronger... so that your enemies cannot gain dominance over the Cycle. Do you understand? Or do you still lack comprehension?"

His typical question if I understand. I hesitated at first but spoke:
"I... understand. I just can't believe something like this could happen?"

"Believe it or not... I am not as invincible as you may believe. There are those who possess abilities and knowledge capable of defeating me. This is why it is extremly crucial that you keep your training going, so that they do not succeed in their goal of defeating me. And if they should succeed... you will be there to make sure that everything else falls into the correct hands. Even if it are not the hands of myself. Because my enemies cannot have a chance to claim dominance over the Cycle."

I then looked at the floor, having a suggestion. It would make me not having to worry so much about him and allowing myself to not give a shit about these enemies.

"Is the Cycle really so important to you? Why don't you just leave?"

He was silent for a moment, as if waiting for me to know the reason. But after I didn't say anything again, he started talking:

"Well, I have said it before, but I shall repeat myself. This is my domain. It belonged to me, when I was created out of the Ink Machine, even though I wasn'ttrapped here yet, and this Cycle is what I built from scrap pieces of Joey Drew’s studio. This is my home. I live here. And after all these years of the Cycle lasting, I see no point in leaving it. And, I see no others fit to take control over this place. So I shall stay behind, until I am taken down by my enemies, and you are ready to step in."

I didn't like it a bit. I didn't want him to stay behind. He was now a friend. Why should I take him down? But I saw no point in arguing with him. He had his reasons. And living here for so long... I see why he feels like it's his home.


"Good. Well, young apprentice. You have been most understanding in this. I am proud of you. So, that being said. Go and rest. You still have much more to learn, I shall teach you in the morning."

"Where... could I sleep?", I asked. How could this question first appear now?

"Ah, of course my apprentice. Follow me. There are rooms set aside just for you. We shall bring you to one now."

The Ink Demon went to a door and opened it to reveal a bedroom set aside just for me. I had a room near his own lair?! That was incredible.

"Here is your room. It is safe, and no one except you and I shall have access. It shall be your safe space to sleep and rest in. I would advise you to get some sleep, after all the things you have gone through today."

I walked in. This room wasn't big but not too small. It was very comfy too. I looked back at the Ink Demon who stood in front of the room.

"Thank you."

His smile grew if that was still possible.

"You are welcome. Get some rest, as tomorrow I shall take you under my wing to further reveal your ink powers."

He closed the door behind me when I was fully in. I was alone now. Free to get some well deserved rest. I looked around the room more carefully now. I noticed a desk near the bed on which was a plan. I came closer and stared at the plan. This room was connected to his lair through a tunnel. That was cool. I also could at anytime use a second secret passage that was in my room to get to the Little Devil Lounge if I was hungry. And the bed was big.

What surprises where he too?

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