Chapter 4

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The tendrils fully covered me, completely soaking me in ink. I got the feeling of my body being ripped apart and reformed into something new. My screams and cries were muffled by the ink, but I knew that he heard them. He probably smiled, chuckled. He laughed. I could hear it through the ink, also muffled. Why was he laughing? But what was I expecting from him either?

I felt immense pain. The worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. Suddenly for a short moment the pain shifted into pleasure... and then it was over, my body was made entirely out of ink. Or so I thought.

"Now... look at your hands."

I saw his proud smirk. I looked at my hands. I was surprised and shocked at the same time. My fingers had claws now, similar to his.

"Good... Now, do you feel more powerful? Is the ink in your body coursing  through your veins? Do you feel the overwhelming power?"

"Yeah... it does--..."

I paused, noticing my still cut wrists that contained not ink... but blood. Though my body was out of ink, my veins started glowing a red color, glowing brighter and diming like a hit of a pulse would. It was... the color of blood. I still had blood in me.  As if my blood and the ink combined each others power. The Ink Demon laughed, genuinely amused.

"Well look at that ! I'm quite surprised myself! You are a very special case. I've never seen ink and blood mix like that before. The ink that I covered you in is different from my own. It was made of the blood of countless souls who died here. And it seems that the combination of all those souls... mixed with blood... created a unique type of ink. I'm in awe. You are definitly a one-of-a-kind... an anomaly..."

I looked up at him. The Ink Demon stared at me, his smile beaming with pride.

"I think I could get used to you as my apprentice... You've impressed me. You have that spirit- that spark. I think we shall be a great team. The two of us shall conquer everything. Shall take over the Cycle together. We shall become the masters of the ink. No one can stand a chance. You and I, together..."

I nodded. It seemed like a responsibility. And I can't believe I agreed on it. He chuckled.

"I'm surprised that this actually worked, to be honest. I had a feeling there was something special about you, but I didn't think your soul had the capacity to handle it. But now, your ink and blood will run through your veins. The ink will be coursing through you. You have become a true Ink Demon. With my guidance and your strong will... we're unstoppable."

"It's... amazing. I look almost like you... like..."

I touched my face and hair. They felt exactly like me before. And there was broken glass on the floor so I could see that these parts contained their original color and look.

"My face and hair are the same as they were... but... my body is covered in ink and... I have claws and horns now.", I told him, noticing that my clothes laid on the floor. some disolved. Only my pants, T-shirt, hoodie and socks stayed. I picked them up, switching the sight of his to my body. Demons don't were clothes. But the Ink Demon has a bow tie. I put my clothes on. Maybe I didn't need clothes now. But I was not used to it this much.

"Hmm hmm hmm... yes. This form is what we shall be going with. Although, now that you've fully become an Ink Demon, we can take this a step further. If you're interested, I can give you some ink modifications. The process might take a bit of time, but it will be worth it. Your ink body will become even more powerful than it already is. But of course, nothing is done without your permission first. Would you like to undergo some ink body modifications?"

Did he think I was thin and weak?

"I think... I will gain more power myself. Because it might feel just taken without any hard work. I'll traine... and get powerful."

He seemed pleased.

"Ah, a prideful one, are you? Well... if you believe you can get stronger on your own, then I shall not stop you from training. Just remember, you'll have to go through a lot of training. But if you truly believe you'll be able to make your ink body even more powerful without my body modifications, then I will support you. I believe in your abilities. You are afascinating apprentice."

"Thank you. I just would feel guilty for just taking. Deserved success comes through hard work."

"Heh heh heh, an admirable attitude. I appreciate that. It's quite rare these days. Most of my subjects are arrogant and demanding... but here you are, with such strength of will. I think you are worthy of becoming my apprentice. From now on, you are my apprentice. And I am your master. Does that sound acceptable to you?"

"Of course, Sir.", I answered. Since I would learn from him and be his apprentice... which feels weird... he shall be called by respect. But I ain't calling him 'master'. It isn't suiting. As well... why?

"Well then... Now that I have officially accepted you as my apprentice..."

He walked over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I then realized how long his fingers... claws were. How were they able to bend? I turned my gaze back at him.

"We shall conquer the Cycle, together."

I nodded at his suggestion. But something from the information I had wasn't fitting.

"But... isn't the Cycle already yours?", I asked him.

"Heh. In all essence, yes... The Cycle is mine. No one will ever be able to take it away from me. This is my playground. My domain, my world. And now...", he paused, his aura growing darker.

"It is OUR domain."

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