29.The Turmoil

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Zoya's POV

He takes me with him, giving Renzo a prideful grin because he has me under his hands. But knowing Renzo, I seriously doubt if this man will ever be able to reach Renzo's status or be as powerful as him. He should start counting his days because he may take me with him, but he will have to face Renzo's gun very soon because I am Renzo's world, and he will come searching for me, and for me to be rescued, he must live that's the reason for me surrendering myself. 

He drags me with him. I give one last glance to Renzo and find his body falling to the floor, and his men rush towards him. I know he will live and the only thing I have to do is make sure I keep myself alive and untouched until he comes and finds me. 

I am soon pushed into the back seat of the car, and the Spanish man enters behind me and sits beside me. He runs his fingers through my hair and tucks a strand of hair behind my ears. I flinch due to this sudden touch. " Don't worry princess your fairy tale has come to an end. Welcome to the dark age", he says. " My fairy tale is not over and soon I will be back to it," I tell him. I know that Renzo will come for me no matter what even if it takes some time.

They blindfold me and then I feel the engine come to life and the car moving. After what feels like hours the car stops. I was not able to see anything but I was able to hear the rustling of leaves and based on that I was able to understand that there is heavy wind in this place. I feel someone open the door. Soon I am dragged by my hand and lead somewhere. After walking for a few minutes, the other person stops dragging me and removes my blindfold. I look around and I am in a room. It was not well furnished and looked like a dungeon. They leave me there and go. I hear the sound of locks closing. I sit in one corner of the room and let myself cry so I don't cry in front of people who want to hurt me.

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