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I thought it would be helpful to include a starter-part for what will be kind of expected in this series. :)

I currently (I say currently because identity is fluid) identify as Aspec, among other things but we can get into that later, and if you are also a part of the Aspec/AroAce community you'll probably agree with me: there is not enough representation for us. So, I hope to be a part of the much needed representation!

As you'll see in my upcoming parts that I'll gradually write, I really love writing. Reading too, I'm a proper nerd. I'd like to use some of my writing skills to write something that could help other Aspec people feel included, like they have a place in this world. (because you DO!) That's something I hope to accomplish with this! As well as just a place for me to put my thoughts or stories that relate to being AroAce. For me, it helps to write about these types of things to not only get my thoughts in order but also feel a sense of community. 

So, with all that being said, I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming Aspec content, whatever good vibes it may hold. :)

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