“We will finish this later, Sax.” Dalton’s words were clipped and laced with authority. Saxton just threw his hands up and walked toward his seat at the table. Dalton gave Sailor an apologetic look before returning to his seat.

Sailor shut the door behind her and followed them to the table. She took a seat on the other side of Dalton across from Saxton. She purposely turned toward the head of the table and stared straight at Dalton. She felt Saxton’s eyes on her, and it took every bit of her will not to turn and meet his intense gaze.

Dalton cleared his throat. “Okay, guys. Business time. Though there’s been speculation, the fans aren’t expecting JB’s departure from our organization. And as we’re all aware, Saxton’s great on the field but has as less than stellar reputation off the field.”

Sailor heard Saxton scoff.

“It’s not that bad. I’ve had a few bar fights.”

Dalton paused and turned to Saxton. “And a few messy break-ups with that she- devil. Need I remind you of the tabloids splashed with Andrea’s tell all.”

Sailor flinched at the mention of Andrea’s name. She’d spent ten years trying to forget that bitch’s torture and avoiding any mention of her exploits, especially the ones involving Saxton.

Saxton let out a groan.

“Those are all lies. I haven’t touched that media whore since high school. She’s been stalking me ever since. I have a damn restraining order on her, for God’s sake. I had to get it because she kept showing up everywhere I went. Between the photos and the lies she told, she actually had people believing we were together. But you know all of this, Dalt, so why are you bringing it up?”

This caught Sailor’s attention, and she finally turned to Saxton. Pointing a finger at him, she asked, “Wait, what? So, you never got back with Andrea after high school?”

Saxton met her eyes and gave her a sincere look.

“No, Sailor, when I said I was done that day in the hallway, I meant it. That leech followed me to college and had everyone believing we were a couple. Then she followed me when I was signed to the NFL. She even managed to get herself a seat in the girlfriend’s box. I had her banned from the stadium. She’s used her platform as an internet star to start so many rumors about marriage, pregnancy, cheating, it’s not even funny. Trying to date anyone else became too much of a hassle, so I’ve just focused on my career. She’s been a thorn in my side for years. Hence, the restraining order.”

Sailor studied Saxton’s handsome face. How in the hell had he grown better looking with age?

Silence fell in the room as they stared at each other. Only when Dalton cleared his throat was it broken. Sailor immediately returned her attention to her boss, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Saxton hadn’t stopped looking at her.

Dalton cleared his throat again, but Saxton didn’t turn. Finally, her boss just started talking. “What day in high school?” He motioned between Saxton and Sailor. “Is that how you two know each other?”

Before Sailor could say anything, Saxton answered for both of them. “Something like that, man.”

Dalton narrowed his eyes, and Sailor imagined the wheels turning in his head.

She raised a hand to stop all his assumptions. 

“We only met once, very briefly.”

Dalton gave a hesitant nod. “Okay then…Sailor. Then why don’t we get back to the reason we are all here, shall we? What kind of strategy do you have?”

Sailor went into business-mode, speaking directly to Dalton.

“I think we downplay JB’s departure. Say it was mutual and beneficial to both parties. Everything ended on good terms. It was time for a change, and we wish him well. As far as Saxton goes, we run with an image repair campaign. We play up his talent on the field and any redeeming qualities off the field. Charity work, maybe—if he has any. I can set up photo ops and put together a fundraising benefit. As far as his personal life goes, he needs to be on his best behavior. If anything comes up, we deny outright lies and take a no comment stance on anything else. We keep the focus on his talent and the team. If anything takes away from that, we shift the focus back. After all, he’s our new shining star. So, let’s make an effort to polish him up a bit and reduce the tarnish. We’ll try to make this transition as smooth as possible. I can set up a press conference for Monday to make the announcement and contact JB’s people to ask them to keep it under wraps until then. That’s only two days away, so he,” he pointed to Saxton, but continued speaking to Dalton, “needs to stay incognito until then.”

Dalton gave her a wide grin. 

“That’s my girl. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

 Sailor returned his smile but dropped it when Saxton let out a clear huff of anger. 

“Is that what you think of me? I’m just some mess you need to clean up and keep in check?”

His reaction startled her, and she turned to face him. “What I think of you doesn’t matter. It’s how we handle the world’s perception of you that does. This isn’t just about your reputation. It’s about the team’s reputation, as well. Anything that tarnishes you will reflect badly upon this organization and its brand. It’s my job to keep that image clean. I’m only doing my job. It’s not personal.”

Her tone came out a little harsher than she liked, but she stood her ground and looked Saxton squarely in the eyes. 

“In my opinion, this is the best course of action to take. If you have a problem with me or my work, you can take it up with Dalton.”

With that, she stood and turned back to Dalton. “If we are done here, I need to get to my desk and start making calls.”

Dalton nodded. 

“Yeah, Clay, I think I can handle it from here. Go do what you do best.”

Her mind swirled with frustration as she headed to her office. Saxton fucking Crawford would be a problem in more ways than one.

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