Chapter 3: Rosewood Village.

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Chapter 3: Rosewood Village.

Clack... clack... clack...

The sound of the horse's hoofs walking, as Rowan managed to grab a cart ride into her destination city. The coachman was a bald old man who was managing a donkey who was pulling the small cart with a few other people inside.

"Oh it's rather hot in here isn't it?" An elderly woman with her grandchild fans her to cool down.


"It's okay grandma. It's not that hot, you should cool yourself down first!" The little one lays beside her grandma and refuses to make her sore and tired by fanning her the whole ride. "Rest! We can open the window more so the wind can get in!"

"Oh... you're so smart."

The cart was small but it was enough for at least eight people to fit in, for now there were only three of them inside.

"..." (Rowan) smiles just watching the pair open up the window to breathe some fresh air from the outside. She also leans in at the front, seeing the view of the coachman's back and the donkey he is handling.

The coachman sees her beautiful hair as he turns in behind. You don't see that kind of rarity everyday, and it brought up the courage to engage in small talk.

"The city is close, miss, we're almost at Rosewood Village. Say, is it alright for me to ask if you're a traveler around these parts?" The coachman asks, gaining her attention.

"Yes, but I was hoping to be a student in the Nightwind State Academy for Knights. My mentor has told me that he graduated from there and that I would learn more if I studied there." (Rowan) replies, the coachman hearing this became ecstatic of the news.

The young woman will be part of the military academy?!

How times have certainly changed!

"Ah yes, the academy! I heard the enrollment will be closing soon. You're in for a ride, you won't get there for at least three days of carriage, but if you travel by foot you'll get there in a week and a few days." The coachman smiles, giving in a few pieces of advice. "And travel carts like ours are pulled by donkeys, as much as I love my job they are rather slow compared to horses pulling a cart."

"A week... that's no good, the enrollment might close on me and I have to get there quickly." The crimson haired girl mutters to herself in worry, no matter what the need she has to enroll to not let everyone down.

The coachman sensing her distress gave a thumbs up and assured her that everything will be fine.

"You're in luck then, the next village we'll make a stop to is known for selling good horse breeds. Rosewood Village, if you're to be a knight you should have your own steed, no?"

"I don't know if I have enough money..."

Rowan has to check her money and with the donation of everyone at the mansion she might just have enough for one horse to buy.

"They are a bit expensive... but there are carriage rides available instead, if you pray and hope that everything goes well in your path then you'll arrive there a day before the enrollment."

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