All the Weasley boys seem completely oblivious to matters of the heart.

Start from the beginning

"Dinner at the Weasley's?" Joyful anticipation bubbles up in me, chasing away the lingering shadows. In my mind's eye I can already see the scruffy fir tree glittering with handmade ornaments, smell Molly's delectable cooking, hear the raucous laughter of the people who long ago became a second family. And a dear freckled face among them...

I don't even try hiding my eagerness as I turn fully back toward Mum, beaming. "Of course, I don't mind! Christmas with the Weasley's sounds perfect."

Mum's smile mirrors my own, her eyes crinkling fondly. "Oh good. Heaven knows, we could all use some holiday cheer with everything that's going on. We can go shopping for gifts tomorrow."

Glancing back over my shoulder, I meet Mum's gaze. "That's a lovely idea. I can't wait to find the perfect gifts."

Mum's eyes crinkle with an answering smile. She makes a little shooing motion. "Well don't let me keep you! We've plenty of time to discuss holiday plans later. Go enjoy the afternoon with your siblings."

Nodding, I turn and bound out the door into the crisp air. The sound of shouts and thudding Quaffles draws me around the house toward the small makeshift pitch. I break into a jog, cold forgotten in my eagerness. There will be time enough later for fretting and making plans. For now, I'm desperate for the therapist of wind and sky, my brothers' laughter.

I read my Book while sitting by the pool as they both keep playing above. After a while they fly back down, Harry flops down next to me and Ara in front of me "Uhhh you are worse than Mione you carry this ruddy book with you everywhere!" Ara complains, and I close the book, "It's a nice story!"

Harry Giggles "Nice story you say, Completly boring we-"

I smack Harry's shoulder lightly with my book, even as laughter threatens to escape. "Oh hush, you. Reading is good for the mind."

Ara merely rolls his eyes dramatically. "That's what Hermione always says too, and we all know how swotty she was at school."

Harry coughs loudly next to me in a poor attempt to mask his snicker. I turn my glare on him instead, which only makes him laugh harder. "Sorry, Ly, but he has a point. You are a bit of a bookworm like Mione."

He ducks the second swing of my book, green eyes glinting mischievously. "Easy! It's cute, really. All smart and studious, I am sure your redhead thinks so." Harry whispers the last part making sure Ara doesn't hear it but I narrow my eyes even as heat crawls up my neck. Harry winks, utterly unrepentant. I shove his smirking face into the grass and whisper to him "What about your redhead, what does she like, huh?".

"She gets it honest from Mum, you know. But at least Mum loosens up sometimes! Lyra here acts eighty, going on ninety." Ara says, and I now send the towel next to me to his face.

The little brat! Now they're both going to get it. I pounce forward, fingers dancing along Ara's ribs until he dissolves into breathless giggles.

"Yield!" he gasps finally between bouts of laughter.

I give a mock sigh of disappointment even as I relent to my tickle torture. "You're just jealous I retain information, unlike certain Quidditch-obsessed heathens." But I can't put any real rancor in the retort, quite enjoying my siblings' playful teasing for a change.

Mum and I wandered through Diagon Alley, ducking in and out of the colorful holiday-decorated shops. Harry and Ara trailed behind us, laden with packages and playfully bickering.

We paused outside the Appothacary. "Just need to pop in here for the twins' gifts," I told Mum, who nodded indulgently.

Soon my arms were piled high with tricks and novelties for Fred and George. I also selected some sugar quills for Ron, a broom maintanance kit for Ginny, and a book on Quidditch tactics for Harry.

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