The Emperor

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After having conversation with Ruqaiya, Jodha could not sleep and Moti Bai came in to her chamber to have conversation with Jodha about Ruqaiya. They were having the conversation and suddenly Akbar entered without any message or alarm at night which made Jodha very angry but she could not say anything as it will be an insult of the emperor and her husband which she could not do.

Akbar entered Jodha's chamber and shouted "Ekant" ( this is usually said by the higher authorities to the helpers for privacy) everyone left the room following the emperor's order but before Akbar could say anything Jodha pulled a string in her chamber where a veil felt so that they couldn't see each other and just talk.

This made Akbar's anger reach to the sky and now he will do anything to make Jodha regret it so he tore the veil in his bare hand as it was of net and Jodha was shocked to see this side of Akbar. Akbar was traveling towards Jodha and Jodha kept going back in order to avoid anything but there was an end, the wall. Jodha was leaned to the wall and wanted to dig out the wall so that she could go away from here but offcourse this ain't gonna happen.

Akbar was standing infront her and leaned forward to her closing all the gaps between them, he took Jodha's hand but it was not sensational for Jodha but it was a feeling that she is becoming impure as this Mughal which is her husband but still HE touched her which she couldn't tolerate at all. Akbar took her hand but suddenly he twisted her hand to her back making her suffer in pain so that it will give pleasure to him. It will give him the pleasure for the words of Jodha which she said to Ruqaiya which Akbar was hurt by listening although Akbar knew what he was doing but Jodha had no idea why Akbar was like this to her all of a sudden.

While twisting her hand he said, I am your husband and most importantly the emperor, an emperor could deny but you!!!! how could you deny me and reject me? You don't have the right to do that. You don't have to so egoistic because of your beauty we have more beautiful ladies in Agra to your comparison. If I want to have you then there is absolutely no one who could stop me but maintaining an emperor's grace I couldn't have you without your consent but if you ever said anything that I got hurt because of you then I won't hold back, at that time I will not be your husband but an emperor punishing you for your ill mouth, speaking nonsense about the emperor. So do not provoke me Queen Jodha. Akbar said smirking at Jodha like he is provoking her now but still he didn't loosen his grip instead he gripped her hand even more tighter making her body arch backwards in pain.

Jodha listened everything but didn't say anything because she did not wanted to provoke Akbar as she is not dumb, she knows that if she said something then there is no way Akbar will hold back but after he completed Jodha thought he will let her go but he didn't so she said, first of all, like you're my husband and I am your wife and you're the emperor and I am the empress so leave my hand right now. This is an order from the empress and second of all, I don't have the ego of my beauty its just that I will let no one have me until I am ready because I am an independent women who cannot be suppressed by my husband neither any emperor so "THE EMPEROR" it's not graceful to be in someone's chamber so late at night leave my hand, let me go and please leave my chamber very gracefully.

Although Akbar had absolutely no intention to hurt her while he was holding her hand in anger, he twisted it too hard and it caused a slight twist in her hand but after listening to Jodha's sarcasm his today's Kota of having taunts and sarcasm of Jodha was full and he was going but when Jodha cried in pain even after he left her hand he turned back to see Jodha who was in ground crying in pain, he rushed to Jodha to see her hand and while he was trying to hold her hand Jodha smacked her hand and turned him down.

Jodha said through her tears, the one who gave me the pain is the one who is trying to hold my hand to apply medicine. You don't have to do anything for me just leave me alone and it will be all for me. You don't have to take care of my hand. Whenever my hand will fine I will come to you myself to get hurt but for now just leave. I can't have more pain atleast have some mercy on your wife.

Jodha thought her words will act as sword on Jalal and it will tear him down and he will do even more dangerous thing to her but instead he hold Jodha's hand forcefully yet gentle and said, I had no intention of hurting you wether you believe it or not but if I made it I will have to take care of it not just only I did it but because you are my wife wether you like it or not, the fact is not going to change that you are my wife and I am your husband.

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