Dr. Gaul's summoning had come as a surprise, but Coriolanus refused to dwell on the reasons behind it. Instead, he saw it as an opportunity, a chance to rise once more and reclaim the status and prestige he had always craved.

Whatever Dr. Gaul's motives, Coriolanus was determined to seize this moment and turn it to his advantage.

As the landscape blurred outside the train window, Coriolanus's thoughts turned to the future, his mind already crafting plans and strategies for the days ahead.

Whatever awaited him in the Capitol, he would face it with the same ambition and cunning that had brought him this far.

With each passing mile, Coriolanus felt a renewed sense of purpose stirring within him, driving him forward toward whatever destiny awaited him in the gleaming heart of the Capitol.

And as the train hurtled towards its destination, Coriolanus couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement at the prospect of what lay ahead.

As Coriolanus stepped off the train back in the Capitol, he was struck by a wave of familiarity.

The bustling station, the hurried throngs of people, the gleaming spires of the cityscape towering above – it was all as he remembered it. But as he looked around, he couldn't shake the feeling of being just another face in the crowd.

For a moment, Coriolanus allowed himself to indulge in the fantasy that Seraphina would be waiting for him, her emerald eyes sparkling with pride at his return. But the reality was harsher – no one even knew he was back, Seraphina didn't know he was back and even if she did, more reason for her not to show.

It was a humbling realization, one that reminded Coriolanus that the world didn't revolve around him as he had once believed.

It should. The world should revolve around him. Coriolanus thought.

Shrugging off his disappointment, Coriolanus set off towards the Citadel, his steps echoing against the polished streets of the Capitol.

He felt a pang of embarrassment at the sight of his Peacekeeper uniform, a stark reminder of his fall from grace. But to his relief, no one seemed to recognize him, and he moved through the crowds unnoticed.

As he approached the imposing structure of the Citadel, Coriolanus felt a surge of anticipation.

Whatever awaited him inside, he was determined to face it head-on, with the same ambition and determination that had carried him through so many challenges before.

With each step, he felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to seize whatever opportunities lay ahead in the glittering heart of the Capitol.

As Coriolanus stepped into Dr. Gaul's lab within the Citadel, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity wash over him.

Despite the unsettling presence of the various mutts that inhabited the space, there was something comforting about the sterile environment and the hum of machinery.

His eyes darted around the room, scanning the rows of cages and tables laden with scientific equipment. It was a stark contrast to the rustic charm of District 12, but in some ways, it felt more like home.

After all, he had spent countless hours studying under Dr. Gaul's tutelage, learning the intricacies of mutt creation and manipulation.

As he moved closer to the center of the lab, Coriolanus caught sight of Dr. Gaul tending to her mutts. She seemed entirely absorbed in her task, her attention focused solely on the creatures before her.

"Congratulations, Mr. Snow," Dr. Gaul said, her voice cutting through the ambient noise of the lab. Coriolanus felt a surge of pride at the recognition, but it was tempered by the absence of Seraphina.

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