Your First Word(s)

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Guns N Roses:

Axl Rose- (Word: Uck (F***)- Today, you were with your daddy and your uncles,  when your daddy yelled his and your uncles "favorite" word.  "F***!" Your daddy yelled, for he stabbed his toe off of a chair in the kitchen.  Then your daddy and uncles heard a tiny voice say " uck."  "Oh congrats Axl. Y/n's first word just had to be our word and a curse word." Your uncle Izzy said as your daddy defended himself by saying "how do you know that y/n isn't saying duck or truck?" But your uncles looked at him and just shook their heads as you hugged your daddy's legs. "My little trouble maker." Your daddy cooed as you snuggled into him. 

Slash- (Word: Ungle (Jungle)- Today, you and your family were at Disney World, where you saw the jungle cruise ride. "U-ungle!" You said as your daddy and uncles smiled at you.  "Say it again, baby girl/boy." "Ungle!" You said as all of you got in line for the jungle cruise ride.  

Duff McKegan (Word: It (Shit)- Today, your daddy was tuning his bass, when a string broke.  "Shit." "It." You said as your daddy turned around and saw you.  "Oh no." Your daddy said as he picked you up and told you not to use that word and he congratulated you on first word and curse word.   

Izzy Stardlin (Word: Iggie (Ciggie)-  Today, you were outside with your daddy and uncles, having a fun family day,  when you saw your daddy's cigarettes.  Your daddy got one out and made sure he was away from you, so you wouldn't get sick or whooping cough.  Just as your daddy was about to light the cigarette, he hear a squeaky voice say "Iggie!"  He turned around and saw you, giggling.  "What did you say, y/n?" Your daddy asked as you said "iggie."  Your daddy was so proud of you that it was in that moment that your daddy and your uncles decided to give up smoking, for you. 

Steven Adler (Word: Eer (Beer)- Today, you were out with your daddy and uncles at a restaurant, where you saw your daddy's and uncles favorite drink, beer.  As your daddy walked by it with you in his arms, you said "eer!"  "Did my little girl/boy just say her/his first word?" Your daddy asked as you said your first word once more, making your daddy and uncles very proud, but of course you were way too young to have beer, but your daddy poured some apple juice into a bottle and said that it was "beer." Also your daddy didn't drink any beer or alcoholic drinks, for he had to set a good example, for he was a father now and he'd do anything to make his little girl/boy happy.   


Gene Simmons (Word: Emon (Demon)- Tonight, you were with your family, for tonight, your daddy's band, Kiss were getting ready for their concert tonight.   You were with your daddy, when you watched him put on his make-up and said "emon!"  Your daddy smiled with joy as well as your family.   "What's daddy, little one?" "Emon!" You said as your daddy gave you a hug and finished getting ready before going out with your uncles to preform.  

Paul Stanley (Word: Ar (Star)- Tonight, you were with your daddy, when he was getting his make-up on, when you noticed the outline of the star over his eye and said "ar!"  All of your family smiled and praised you for saying your first word and your cousin Nick got you a soft pretzel as your reward and he shared it with you, by giving you small pieces to try. 

Ace Frehley (Word: Iss (Kiss)- Today, you were with your daddy and uncles, when you saw your daddy and uncles on a poster with their band's name under them, when you said "iss!"  All of your family was super proud of you and your daddy and uncles gave you kisses, which made you giggle. 

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