↳˗ˏˋelevenˊˎ˗ ↴

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'hey court!' a voice said, as it followed her to the taco shop. courtney turned , hoping to see someone.

but it was justin.

'listen, uh, i stopped by-'

courtney ignored him and turned around , walking into the shop.

'well, look, i was— hoping maybe we could talk.' he said, stuffing his hands in his pocket, 'i know i don't come off as the nicest guy in the world, but i was hopin' maybe you could just forget about that for a second.'

courtney was getting more impatient with him as his words kept falling out, she was trying to close the shop as he was following her around like a lost puppy.

'because i was thinking- well actually i was hoping, that..' justin shook his hair out of his face.

'maybe we could go out sometime?'

courtney rolled her eyes.

'and not just "out" out, a specific out..like the prom, maybe?'

courtney scoffed, 'yeah, right.'

'so that's a no?' justin asked, and frowned.

'that's a hell no.'

'well, that's fair. i mean, why should you say yes? right?' justin sighed, 'i just hope this isn't about duncan 'cause-'

courtney stopped what she was doing at this, 'why?'

'well... he doesn't care about you like that.' justin lied, 'he told everyone he still has a thing for gwen.'

'but, i don't know. maybe i've got it all wrong.' the brunette boy says, 'has the guy asked you to the prom?'

courtney looked down, she didn't want to answer that, because no, he hadn't. she really wanted him to.

'well, just heads up, alright?' the model sighed, 'i mean there's no sense in getting hurt for no reason.'

justin started walking through the door but stopped, 'oh and courtney? think about the prom some more.' he smiled through the glass door. 'cause i think we'd have a pretty okay time.'

'see ya.'

'alright eagles, welcome to the homestretch.' the speakers screeched, 'a special shout to all my seniors, just 2 weeks left till the time-honored combination of crepe paper,' the announcer laughed , 'cleavage and crystal.'

'prom—y'know what im talking about.' he chuckled, 'also, rumor has it that satellas got this prom queen race tighter than the little shirts gwen's been wearing around campus.'

'so vote early, vote often.' the boy sighed, 'here's a little uh, campaign music for you all.'

gwen was speeding up the busy stairs, 'move!'

lashawna sighed from behind her, 'aw, come on hun, in the name of sportsmanship-'

'get out of my way, fool!' the pale girls yelled at a freshman and lashawna sighed.

'i think i touched her boob!' the young boy exclaimed.


the boy turned to see his ex, 'gwen?'

'well, i was trying on this little richard tyler dress the other day, and i remembered that we haven't finalized our plans.'

'what plans?..'

'for the prom, silly!' she brushed a hand through his hair.

'i mean, we said we'd always go together, right? even if we were just friends?' the girl asked.

'um- actually gwen..i had other plans-'

'oh. this isn't about courtney satella, is it?'

'what if it is?'

'well, if im not mistaken. i believe she's already taken.' gwen gestured to the benches.

gwen was right. courtney was sitting next to justin, laughing and chatting.

what was she laughing about?

duncan stomped over to the couple and stood right in front of justin, 'justin, what the hell are you trying to pull?!' the boy yelled.

'well, it's nice to see you, too, bro.' justin sighed.

duncan didn't even pay attention to his remark and looked at courtney's onyx eyes, 'did he ask you to the prom?!'

'yes, i did.'

'i-' courtney starts but duncan interrupted her, 'its bullshit!'

'wait, wait. someone asking me is bullshit?' the latina gasped.

'i thought we were going together..' the raven head said.

'alright duncan, enoughs enough. this isn't cool anymore, i like this girl.' justin said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, which made duncan even more visibly pissed, 'you gotta stop this whole bet thing.'

courtney's eyes widened, 'bet?'

'yeah. it was so stupid, court.' the model sighed, 'duncan said he can make any girl prom queen, and you were the one picked. So he thinks that if he takes you to the prom, it'll help you win.'

duncan stood there with no words. did justin really just throw him under the fucking bus like that?

'people have feelings, man.' justin finished.

'is this true..?' courtney asked, feeling her eyes get watery, 'am i a bet? am i a bet? am i a fucking bet?!'

duncan didn't want to lie, but he knew she would hate him, 'yes.'

gwen came from behind duncan and wrapped her arms around him, giggling. 'you didn't think you became popular for real, did you?' the pale girl asked.

courtney was still glaring at duncan with no love anymore. she was clearly heartbroken, fully.

'oh you did?! that's so sweet!' gwen giggled and poked duncan's cheek, 'pick me up at 7, lover.'

fuck you gwen + justin #kys 😊‼️

sweeter than fiction || duncney !Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя