↳˗ˏˋeightˊˎ˗ ↴

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duncan and courtney arrived to the party at exactly 8:00.

there was rock music blaring from each corner and people yelling, dancing, cussing, and making out.

'hey, hey, hey! welcome my friends, to the party that never ends.' geoff says doing jazz hands, 'well, at-least until my folks get back from vegas.' they laughed at that, even courtney got a small giggle out.

'who are all these people ?' duncan yelled over all the music and people.

'i have no idea!' geoff yelled back , smiling.

a loud smash was heard from the dining room and geoff jumped up, 'shit! i'll be back in a second-'

'have a good time , alright?' geoff says and runs into the dining room yelling.

'courtney! oh my god, you look great.' lindsay says.

'duncan, you mind if we borrow her for a second?' bridgette asks the boy, 'there's the good looking twins over there. i think they're from peru or something-'

'uh sure?' duncan answered, 'go ahead.'

'well, gracias, papi!' lindsay squeals and grabs courtney.

'oh my god im so glad you came!' bridgette smiles at courtney and lindsay.

'well look at the look you have!' justin says from behind duncan.

'what's going on , man? yall come here together?' the model asked.

'i brought her here if that's what you mean.'

'"i brought her here if that's what you mean." come on man, let's get real.' justin mocked him, 'you're with her- you know i might be wasted, but im not blind here.'

duncan shook his head and sat down, 'so what's going on? mixing a little business with pleasure or what?' the tanned male asked.

'i hate to break it to you, man, but, uh, it's just a bet.' duncan smiled and turned back to the dance floor.

'yeah, right.' justin scoffed.

'woo-ooh! yeah! let's party!!' everyone turned at that, to see trent cooper and no other than gwen ingrid.

'well , well , well, if it isn't gwendolyn ingrid!'

justin said and waved at trent.

'what a surprise.' duncan said , rolling his eyes.

'yeah, we almost didn't make it,' gwen complained and took off her heels, 'but then i thought, you know what, why not have one last sentimental- whatever.'

'babe, i want a beer.' the pale girl demanded to her boyfriend.

'but you have a drink right there-'

'but i want a beer!' gwen whined.

'okay, okay, hush.' trent sighed as he got up and stomped away to the bar.

courtney walked into the bathroom , but there was already someone in there , face to the toilet.


'art girl?' the girl asked and courtney turned back from closing the door.


sadie groaned and fell onto the wall.

'are you okay?' the latina asked walking back into the bathroom.

'i think im gonna vomit..'

'i think you already did..' courtney sighed and looked around, 'can i get you something?

sweeter than fiction || duncney !حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن