↳˗ˏˋthreeˊˎ˗ ↴

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it was lunch period and duncan and gwen were sitting at a table outside alone, 'what?' she asks him while he is looking at her, her facial features, her nose, her eyes, nothing looked familiar. it's like she was different all of a sudden.

'so you show up after a week with a tattoo and decide you want to break up?' he asks her and almost everyone around them it's quiet, they obviously want to hear as well.

'what happened in new york, gwen?'

'look, if you want to torture yourself—'

'ugh find, whatev.'

duncan just sits there, ready to hear why his girlfriend all of a sudden wants nothing to do with him.

'so..when we went to new york, this guy asked if we wanted to go to this party and y'know i can't resist a party.' she laughed, 'and it turns out it was trent coopers hair and makeup crew!' she exclaimed.

'the singer?' duncan asked, his eyes widening slowly. 'duh. anyway,' she started again but duncan interrupted her, 'he literally got kicked out of the drama brothers!'

yep, he was mad.

she scoffed, ' oh shut up! as i was saying..when we went to the party i bumped into him, himself! trent cooper!' she smiled.

duncan on the other hand could feel his fist closing, who the hell did he think he was, going around stealing other guys girls like that?

'so basically we talked and .. he asked me out and i said yes!' she squealed. 'you have a boyfriend though..' duncan felt his face get red.

'oh..well you didn't think i was going to college still dating you, right?' she giggled, then looked serious, 'oh you did?!' she smiled, 'that's so sweet!..but hey!,' she said and grabbed his hand, 'we can still go to prom together, the queen and king always have to go together!'

duncan gritted his teeth, he was pissed.

'ugh! can you believe this thing still hurts?' she pointed at her tattoo before quickly getting up and strutted towards the building, leaving duncan at the table by himself

duncan then turned to the others and they all turned back to each other and started talking.

he slammed his fist on the table and walked out.

the bell had rung and courtney stood up fast out of her seat, she grabbed her paintings, bookbag, paint equipment and her book.

she walked out of the class and walked downstairs , she was so ready to go home.

today was the longest day courtney has had in a while, she normally found school boring but today..today was a wild card.

she had been told to kill herself, she had broken her paintbrush and couldn't find her pencil during english.

she was done for the day.

she walked outside , barley being able hold all of her things.

duncan was walking with geoff and justin, 'what the hell man, so she just dumped you?' geoff asked duncan, 'pretty much.' the athlete sighed and looked over to the road.

the intercoms came on but it wasn't dj this time, it was lightning, a kid who was only in like one clique but was still well known.

lightning also did intercom with dj.

'well, check it out eagles, that'll wrap it up for another day.' he starts.

'By the way, my condolences go out to a certain individual who got dissed and dismissed by his longtime, magically delicious girlfriend.'

duncan's eyes widened and he sighed.

'relax man, no one knows it's you.' geoff patted duncan's back.

'but hey, hang in there duncan, happens to the best of us.'

duncan felt a chill go down his spine.

'keep that head up, alright son?' lighting said, 'as far as the other dude, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. right?' he then laughed into the mic, 'later, eagles.' and the mic cut off.

'yeah you better do something about this, your legacy is in jeopardy here, bro.'

duncan heard that voice and wanted to punch it in the face, but he stayed mature.

' l mean, one second you're Duncan Nelson, class clown, standout athlete, all-around bad-ass mamba-jahamba.' justin laughs, 'The next thing you know, you're Duncan Nelson, bitch-boy.'

duncan scoffed and then turned when he heard squealing,

he then saw him; trent cooper get out of a truck and girls were surrounding him, kissing him, getting autographs, hugging him. duncan didn't see what was so great about trent.

but then a familiar face ran towards the crowd, gwen. 'babe!' the singer yelled pulling her into the longest kiss duncan had ever seen.

they were moaning and all over each other. duncan almost yelled at them to get a room and not have sex right in front of us but then his brain clicked.

'why am i mad about gwen when i could literally make any girl prom queen, i am duncan motherfucking nelson.' the guy said. 'hell yeah!' the party boy next to him cheered and patted his back.

'gwen ingrid is totally replaceable.'

but the model laughed at duncan, 'yeah right.' justin said, 'this is gwendolyn ingrid we are talking about.' justin smirked at him.

'sorry man but, he's right.. the girls an institution at this school, every girl wants to be her and every guy wants to nail her,' geoff says, backing up justin, ' she's like you, but with tits-'

'no, no you see, if you take off all that popularity and shitty makeup all you have is a bitchy personality and a wonder-bra.'

the two boys started laughing as duncan rolled his eyes.

'how about a chance to prove me wrong?' justin asked duncan.

'a bet?'


even duncan knew this would be wrong, but it's okay to have a little fun.. right?

'yo guys..let's not-' geoff tried to intervene.

'you in, nelson?' justin winked and held his hand out.

duncan looked at his hand for a minute.

'duncan come on-' the blonde grabbed his shoulder.

'just name the terms.' duncan took justin's hand and shook it.

'this is about to be fun.' justin smirked, 'let's go pick that girl.'

we walked around for a moment before seeing a girl eating a hotdog with mustard all over her mouth, 'what about her?' duncan asked.

'nah, we can do better than that.'

duncan shrugged , there can't be that bad of a girl.

we walked a little longer to see a girl picking at a wedgie, 'her?' duncan smirked, 'no..'


the 3 boys turn to see courtney satella, a weirdo who nobody really knows.

she had fell into the concrete with paint splattered everywhere.

'gentlemen, i think we have a winner.' justin smirked.

'oh hell no.. i can work with braces and fat , but there's no way i can do anything with no tits or personality-' duncan tried to walk away but justin yanked him back.

'nope, we shook on it. geoff tell him he can't back out.'

'oh nah man, this is between yall-' geoff put his hands up defensively and laughed.

duncan groaned and sighed, 'well, you have 6 weeks to make that prom queen, if i were you, i would get started right about..' justin looked at his wrist, 'now.'

these are going to be some long weeks.

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