Piling stress

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Jackie was struggling.

That much could already have been figured from the conditions the kids have. And it wasn't like Jackie was complaining either-he practically asked for it when adopting them...well except for Robbie. But it wasn't like he was ungrateful.

Jackie sighs as he was preparing sandwiches for the kids to eat. He could hear them around the house, Robbie happily playing with Chase outside in the yard. Now Jackie was glad there was a window in the kitchen that faced the backyard, that way he could watch the two kids.

In the living room, Henrik was coloring with Anthony, while Jay sat in between them as he played with a stuff animal.

Jackie huffed, finally finishing making the sandwiches. He had made some hash browns for the boys to eat as well.

"Boys!!! Lunch is ready!! Come" Jackie calls out with the window open.

Chase happily caught the ball Robbie rolled at him. He looks up when Jackie spoke, nodding as he goes and gets Robbie's hand. Chase let out a few verbal tics while leading Robbie inside to eat.

Henrik meanwhile helped clean up their area, before standing up. He felt Jay grab his prosthetic arm, looking down and see the little boy holding both his and Anthony's hand.

Jamie had a big happy smile as he tries to waddle ahead and pull his brother and Henrik to the table.

Henrik yelps at the sudden pull-not having expected it. Unfortunately, neither did his sorta loose arm-which fell off of him and dropped limp next to JJ.

Jay suddenly felt how light Henrik's hand was. He didn't know anything about his prosthetic arm-so the feeling of the arm laying limp on the floor-it naturally freaked the poor little boy. Thinking he just had pulled Henrik's real arm off somehow.

Jamie instantly let out a silent scream as he burst into tears. He let go of the limp hand, and instead resorted to clinging to Anthony.
Anthony wasn't any better either. While he wasn't crying like JJ, he stood in shock at the limp arm-although a bit fascinated by it.

Henrik saw Jay's reaction and he instantly panicked. He didn't know how to help, "uh-it okay! No bad!" Henrik says worried, picking up the arm in a hurry, "J-Jackie!! Help!" He spoke out loudly.

Chase and Robbie had entered the house, Chase saw his close friend looking panicked and confused, while JJ was crying and Anthony trying to calm Jay down.

Jackie quickly set down the plates he had in hand, rushing off to go to Henrik and the two twins. Though at seeing Jay crying and Anthony looking confused-it made Jackie more confused. All while Henrik was struggling putting his arm back on.

Jackie went over to Henrik, helping him put the arm back on and buckling it, "What happened? Why's Jay crying?"

Henrik didn't know how to explain it-he felt terrible and ashamed for having scared Jay with his prosthetic arm.

Jackie took noticed-slowly piecing the situation together. With a reassuring smile to Henrik, Jackie crouched down beside Jay and Anthony, "Jamie...Jamie hon, it's okay." He tried talking softly, rubbing Jay's back.

Jay sniffles as he turns towards where the hand on his back came from. He whimpers, holding Anthony's hand in fear. Hearing Jackie talk.

"Henrik isn't hurt...it's okay. See?" Jackie gently grabbed Jay's small hand and then led Henrik closer. Having Jay feel Henrik's real arm instead.

It seemed like it helped though, seeing Jay's tense body physically relax as he felt better knowing Henrik wasn't hurt. Anthony watched though, having seen what happened-he felt his curiousity spark more.

"C'mon now boys-let's eat up a bit. I think we're all just hungry" Jackie helped direct the kids to go eat.

Chase rushing over to Henrik to make sure he was okay. Rubbing his back with a reassuring smile-seeing how sad Henrik looked.

"It wasn't your fault. He's okay now!" Chase kept his voice soft to help calm Henrik.

Henrik was about to speak before suddenly feeling something hug his legs. Looking down, Henrik smiles softly seeing it was Jay hugging him as a way to apologize for freaking out. Henrik chuckles softly-ruffling Jay's hair gently before helping JJ on a chair. Making sure that it was right beside Anthony's chair.


"What do you mean??? I asked for a month off! I sort of can't though! I have five kids to look over for and finding a last minute babysitter is gonna be so difficult! Especially with what they have!" Jackie stood at the kitchen island , his head in his hands with frustration as he listened to his boss.

The kids were off in the living room, each doing different activities. Jackie glanced over to make sure they're okay. Smiling a bit seeing everything was normal.

Henrik was practicing his English, having a book on his lap while Chase sat beside him to help learn. Even with his tics interrupting in the middle of him trying to be helpful.

Robbie was playing with Jay, both working on building a tower. Even if JJ couldn't see, Robbie did his best to help his new friend.

And Anthony was sitting beside JJ, eating the fingerprint-


"ANTHONY NO! Get that out of your mouth right now!! I'm sorry sir-if you would excuse me-" Jackie rushed and set his phone down as he ran over to Anthony.

The poor boss just sat there as he could hear Jackie on the other end basically fighting a child.

"No that's not for eating!"

"No!!! Mine!!"

"Anthony, no. I'm taking it away. Find something else to play with."

Sniff sniff...

"Uh-BOOM!-Uh, Jackie....I think-"


Jay flinched when suddenly Anthony began to scream and cry. He covers his ears in confusion. Not knowing why he was crying. Robbie covering his ears as well-not liking the loud sound. Small whines leaving him.

Jackie grimaced. He takes a couple deep breaths before picking up the little tubs of fingerpaints. He shakes his head, "Anthony no...you can't eat these. It's bad for you"

Jackie felt bad for taking the paints away but he put the cap on the tubs before setting it down. He gently picks Anthony up, who was fighting him at this point, "Hon, you need to wash your hands. I don't want you sucking the paint off of your fingers." He tried explaining.

Anthony's face was red at this point. He kept on crying and yelling, hitting Jackie's chest in a pout. Not only upset with the paints being taken away-but as well for a growing headache and getting separated from Jay.

The others watched as Jackie walked to the kitchen with Anthony crying. Soon enough hearing the water running gently.

Finally, Jackie set Anthony down, watching the little boy scramble off back to JJ.

Jackie sighs, hearing the crying was now calmer. Knowing JJ was helping calm Anthony.

Jackie rubs his forehead, putting the covered finger paints down in the toy box before grabbing his phone, "Hey sir, I'm so sorry about that..."

"Is everything okay?"

Jackie glanced back at the living room-watching how Jay had managed to have Anthony finally calmed down a bit, "Now yeah..." turning his back to the living room again.

Jackie's boss sighed before rubbing his head, "Okay...I'll give you two more days Jackie. But that's it. You need to find yourself a babysitter and all, but we seriously need you back. These newbies are gonna drive me insane with how they handle things"

A relieved sigh left Jackie as he nods, knowing he can't ask for more days at this point, "Alright...thank you so much sir." He says.

Once the phone hung up, Jackie only let out a frustrated breathe as he walked back to the living room to check on how things were holding up.

"Anthony not the paint again!!"

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