006 , dead teacher

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     Rolling his eyes fondly, he shot back, "I'm not like everyone else. I'm different. Isn't that why you like me so much?"

     "What if I just said that for the sake of the conversation," Asteria retorted with a small smile on her face.

     "Somehow, I doubt that," Gabriel replied. Grinning, he added, "I have something for you."

     "You do?" Asteria questioned in confusion.

     Pulling out a necklace from his pocket, he handed it to her. It was beautiful. It was an oval locket with a rose stamped into the middle. Lifting it up, Asteria could smell vervain inside it. "It's beautiful and it smells amazing."

     Clearing his throat, Gabriel informed, "It was an old thing I had lying around and after meeting you, I just knew it had to belong to you."

     Asteria smiled brightly at Gabriel. "Thank you. This is very sweet of you," she teased.

     Chuckling, Gabriel spoke, "Of course you'd take the opportunity to say that. Let me put it on for you."

     Taking the necklace back, he waited as Asteria turned around and lifted her hair up. Walking closer, he placed the necklace around her neck and lightly brushed his fingers against her neck, causing her to shiver lightly. Clasping the necklace, he leaned down and whispered into her ear, "Done."

     Turning around, Asteria's eyes widened in surprise. Their faces were so close to each other. If she were to lean slightly forward, they would kiss. Clearing her throat, she took a step back, watching as disappointment filled his eyes before disappearing. "Thanks."

     Nodding, he replied, "Anytime."

     Before anything could be said or done, a shout interrupted them.

     "Jeremy, no!" Elena shouted.

     Rolling her eyes, Asteria muttered, "I should go see what that's about."

     "I'll come with you," Gabriel informed.

     Nodding, Asteria rushed over to where a crowd was forming with Gabriel beside her.

     "What is going on here?" Asteria questioned as she pushed her way through the crowd.

     "I'm fine!" Jeremy shouted, aggravated with everyone around him.

     Scoffing, Elena snarked, "Yeah, you smell fine."

     Rolling his eyes, Jeremy muttered, "Just stop." As he went to walk away, his eyes met Asteria's. "Don't follow me," he cautioned his other sister and walked away.

     Asteria's lips tightened before she looked towards Stefan and Elena. Neither seemed to be paying attention to the teenage boy who walked away.

     "Your hand!" Elena screeched in horror. "Oh my god. Let me look at your hand."

     Stefan placed his hand behind his back. "No, no. I'm fine."

     Grabbing his arm, Elena pulled it towards her, "Is it deep? How bad is it? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Her questions all came to a halt when she stared at a completely uninjured hand. "But- but I saw- It was..."

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