Everyone was shocked, including me.


"Yep. It kinda feels okay to say it now." He smirked.

Some guys patted his back in support.

I could barely believe what was happening.

"Welcome to the gay club, man." I said. And everyone laughed.

Morty seemed relieved. I was still having a hard time believing this was reality.

"So are you staying or what?" Karl grabbed my shoulder.

Some of my friends asked me what it was like to be with a guy, some were confused, surprised, in shock, waiting for a punchline that never came. But either way, they accepted me. They really didn't care who I was with.

I took to the field with their support riling me up. There was a whole marching band. The cheerleaders did their cheering. Jen wasn't with them for some reason.

There was a whole line of cameramen and multiple reporters. 

In the front center of the crowd was the announcer table. Two guys sat there announcing our team. They spoke into the microphone and their voices echoed through the stadium.

The tribune was packed. Half supporters for our team and half for our opponents. People on our side were wearing our school's colors and waving flags, whistling.. 

Jen was there surprisingly. And.. she was holding hands with none other than Blade. She waved at me. 

I've never been more shocked in my life.

Timothy sat in the middle of the stands. He cheered me on when he saw me. His dad, Dahlia and Allie were sitting right next to him. I waved at them.

I'd invited my own dad too. I didn't expect much of it, though. He had work today after all. And just because he was better didn't mean he was going to break through all his bad habits at once. It was fine if he didn't show up. Baby steps.

Still, hopeful like a child, I peered up at the crowd searching for my dad. Nothing.

"Come on, man." Alex slapped my back.

We huddled up. I was supposed to give a little speech. I suddenly didn't feel all that inspired.

I looked at the crowd again, at Timothy but he was talking to someone.

My dad! I smiled. He was here! He was actually here! It had been so long since he'd come to watch me play!

"Dude!" Karl punched my arm.

"Oh! Yeah!" I smiled, like a happy fool. 

"So it's been a long season. We've already had plenty of big wins. For some of us this is our last high school game. If we win this, we leave as legends.." Everyone watched me carefully. I could see the excitement in their eyes as I continued my speech. The immense need to win. I couldn't say I felt any different. 

I looked up at Timothy. My heart raced. 

"So let's win this thing." 

And win we did. We had a big win over the other team, crowning us state champions.

We were celebrating, screaming, running all across the field. My coach slapped my back. My team mates lifted me up. 

The cheers from the crowd were loud and exciting. 

I looked up and Timothy was standing like everyone else supporting us and clapping. He looked so proud. And so did my dad, Allie, Joe and Dahlia.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now