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My room finally looked like my room. I had posters of football legends on the walls, the occasional hot girl..

I was laying in my bed between the sheets Timothy had made. I couldn't help but feel like a husband laying in his wife's perfectly made bed. I slammed my head against the mattress a few times.

I couldn't sleep. Not for the first time this past WEEK.

I decided I would do what I'd done before I started living here: go to the source of my sleepless nights.

I quietly tiptoed out of bed and went two doors down. I was not going to knock since it was past midnight and his dad was next door. I went inside his room and closed the door behind me. I just stood there for a while, watching him. He was asleep. Lucky bastard. He had no worries, no troubles unlike me.

I climbed into his bed and under the sheets. He didn't wake up at all, which was kind of surprising. I got the idea to carry out a few important experiments but fought against it.

I covered Timothy's nose and mouth and soon enough he woke up, gasping for air. I let him go.

"What the hell, Josh! When did you get in here?"

"When you were moaning my name."

Timothy frowned. Dammit. He totally hadn't dreamed about me at all. I was the most masculine, straight man ever, I was supposed to be a gay guy's wet dream!

"I can't sleep. You know what that means."

"That you have insomnia?!"

"That you're going to read some faggotry. Grab your book."

Without complaint, T got out of bed and drowsily shuffled to the book closet.

He picked one and got back in bed. He began to read. He was whispering and it immediately put me at ease. I lay down.

"You're going to fall asleep." T warned.

"I'll be gone before your dad finds me, don't worry."

T continued to read.

I don't know if it was the sleepiness or the weird drug-like effect his voice had but I had the courage to pull him close and lay on his chest. T stopped momentarily before carrying on.

I slid my hand under his shirt and stroked his stomach.

"Don't do anything weird." T whispered.

It was totally turning me on. "Like touching your g-spot? Don't worry about it. Been there, done that."

"Yeah, and that's totally straight." T said sarcastically.

"Do I look gay to you?"

"Um... right now? Yeah."

"That would be a total dream for you, wouldn't it?"

Timothy sighed. "Can I go back to sleep now? I'm sleep deprived enough as is."

"What were you doing before I got here?"


"What were you dreaming about?"

"Josh.." Timothy complained.

"I can't sleep, okay?"

"That's not my fault."

"It is. You're keeping me up!"

"How? I'm not making a sound." Timothy sat up.

I did the same. He looked confused and clueless.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora