Who are you?

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Sakakuras Pov-

Upon finding Chisa, she didn't seem to well.. at least in my opinion. I've known Chisa most of my life, and something about her just seemed off. She was a bit too happy go lucky for me, and she was always a generally happy person, but I knew something was wrong.

I found her trying to make her way to the lower school level, I stopped her. "Yukizome?" I called out. She stopped in her tracks, not turning around. The action scared me a bit if I had to be honest. I swallowed and waited a few seconds before calling out again. "Uh- Yukizome..are you there??"

She soon whipped around with a cheeky smile on her face.  "Sakakura! Long time no see?" She walked over, a little pep being to her step. I raised an eyebrow looking at her.

"I could say the same for you.. but of course you're just with your class so I understand" I spoke back, and she nodded to that.

"Mhm! They sure are an excellent class, I couldn't be more proud with how they turned out." She beamed at me, and I looked down analyzing her features. Her eyes looked worn and red, like she either hadn't seen sleep for days or someone stretched her eyes out. I looked down more and saw red marks on her arms, ones that looked like someone had strapped her down or something.

I wondered if I should confront her- hell my fucking head was starting to hurt from all this crucial decision making. I shook it off and asked. "Uhh Yuki, you seem tired and- what are those marks on your arms??"

Her eye twitched and she quickly hid her hands behind her back, concealing her arms. "Marks?? I got in a little accident is all.. silly me!" I didn't believe her, not one bit. Furrowing my eyebrows, I asked again. "You don't get marks like those from a little accident, unless that accident consisted of you being held down in some way-"

Her mouth shut and she looked into my eyes before looking down, her hair falling into her face. She turned on her heel to walk away but I grabbed her arm, dodging the part that was purple and bruised.

"You can't just walk away like that Chisa! You're gonna tell me where the hell you got these marks from!"

She whipped her body around and her she had a wide smile on her face, and not the one she had before. "You know what I think would be a lovely  idea Juzo..?" She took her hands in mine, not seeming to care much for my bandage one, for she held it at the same firmness as the unwounded one. I winced a bit but didn't flinch.

"What- idea? Chisa what are you on about??" She looked into my eyes, she had the same look that Enoshima girl had to her...it was off putting, unnerving and scary, and could put anyone in fight or flight mode.

"I just feel like the three of us are one the wrong path in life..the path of hope of overcoming this overwhelming despair that plagues this schools walls and the very ground we stand on" She brought her hand to my face, caressing my cheek with her thumb.

"But wouldn't it be so helpful if we just gave into despair?"

My eyes widened and I looked at her like she was a ghost. "Chisa you're speaking nonsense! I'm not giving into that bullshit!"

"Oh but you must! Do you know what the immense feeling of despair can do to a person!? You feel alive Sakakura, despair is the one thing someone can't take from you. They can take your sanity, people lives, people close to you, and all of that can only make one thing! Despair!" Her hand soon clenched my face, her sharp nails pinching my face and my wincing taking a step back.

Her hands clasped together, and she walked towards me, her heels making a sound that echoed through the hallway. "Juzo.. why do all this work for hope when despair is just so easy to be with.. there is no point in being hopeful.. when despair will always come out on top"

I furrowed my eyebrows in anger. "Chisa the reason we're helping with the future foundation was so we can have hope! Hope for the school, and hope for the future!! And when Kyosuke-"

"Ah Kyosuke... it was always for him wasn't it?"

I paused. "What do you mean..?"

"Juzo I'm not stupid. I see the way you look at him..what you do for him..how you'd probably risk your very own life for that man." Chisa deadpanned, glaring at me. I took a hesitant step back.

"And you know the one thing that would have me overcome by despair? Is to see it all taken from you! Your untouched love for Kyosuke to thrive but him to cease from existence. What else could cause such an overwhelming emotion?" My eyes widened and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Chisa I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you, but you're not going to hurt Kyosuke- I won't let you." I glared at her. She had officially gone crazy.

Ever since that Junko chick had been put into the light and already being accused of the Student Council killings, things have gone to shit. Her being the one behind it all wasn't opinion, it was fact, and she was probably the reason Chisa was like this. Chisa wouldn't wish death on her very own friend, especially not Kyosuke. She loved Kyosuke..just as I did.

"But as for me..I think I'd like to have my own taste of despair" She pointed a finger at me.

"Get him." She demanded someone- that was until I felt a hard shove into my back, pushing me to the ground with a huff.

Fuck, not this again.

I was really fed up with being pushed and tossed around today. I whipped around to get onto my back, and I was met with faces of some random people, whom I assumed to be some of the students from The Parade who had some how gotten in.

Their eyes had spirals in them, and they had the same menacing psychotic smile I'd seen on Chisas face. More of them came, a lot of them, and they all forcibly held me down.

"Ugh- let.. go of me!!" I said through gritted teeth. My strength would normally be able to push them off but there was just.. too many, and I was exhausted from everything that had already happened today. They had me down good, and it didn't look like I'd be getting up soon.

I heard the click of heels come around my head and towards the front me, and there stood Chisa with a knife in her hand.

"Killing your own friend sounds...unfortunate, which makes it so much better! Imagine the look on Kyosukes face when he finds out your gone, for good! And soon after that his life will be taken. I'll be wrapped in so much despair I won't know what to do with myself! Maybe I'll kill myself afterwards? What do you say?"

I looked at her, still trying to get free by flailing my body. Strands of hair stuck to my forehead from sweat. My chest rose and fell, as I was out of breath from trying so hard.

"Don't you dare touch him" my words had bite to them. I didn't care if she killed me, but Kyosuke was no option. He was so close to capturing the mastermind of the killings.. he had Junko in his grasp and if Chisa killed him.. there would be no hope left for this school.

She smiled at me, and soon kneeled down to wear I frailed and twitched at, straddling my hips as she held the knife up.

"I'll let you decide that in death.." She slowly raised the knife over her hands, ready to plunge it into my chest.

The last thing I could feel was the grasp of the student councils hands on my body and a sharping stinging pain in my abdomen..

A/N: Well this is a cliffhanger 😋 I'm not one for cliffhangers but I thought I should get something out to not leave you guys waiting. We had a good week break due to the snow, and now school is back. I've simply just been tired and just have had a lot of work to do, so it explains why this took a while.

FYI this probably has grammar mistakes because I didn't really read over it like I should- BUT I will when I have time. English is my first language but I somehow suck at it 😭

Anyways enjoy the chapter!! When the weekend comes and if I'm not studying I'll start the new one. This may be the last one, not sure though, but I won't leave yall hanging.

Love you guys, and cya later!! 💞

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