It's done.

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(Btw, if you didn't watch the anime, the blood on his wrist came from him hitting his hand against the pavement out of anger, in case anyone was confused 😋)

Sakakura POV-

The rain pelted against my face, and I could still feel the familiar pressure of heel being dug into my head. The crowd around me soon dispersed after the events 5 minutes ago had stopped. My breathing felt heavy, aswell as my heart, and I sat up slightly groaning and with difficulty.

I looked forward realizing she was gone, just like that in thin air. Fuck. How could I let that happen!?? I felt like getting up and running, but something told me it was waste of energy, and she was long gone. I stood up adjusting myself, or at least the best I could since my dress shirt clung to my body from the water falling from the sky.

Looking down at my right hand, blood dripped down the sides mixed with water, and it trembled from pain. My thoughts were just a mix of confusion, anxiety, doubt, and unsure of where to go next. I shook away the pain and soon started heading back to the school, coming up with a plan of action on the way there.

She admitted to it, she was the one behind it all. She made the student council kill each other. She was in charge of "The Parade" and the reverse course revolting against the school. And who knew what else she had up her sleeve.. this was only the beginning.

Of course Hopes Peak was just a highschool, but the way Junko was as going, she wanted her plan to spread to the city.. country.. maybe the whole world.

3rd person:

Juzos other fist only balled up in anger, feeling his nails dig into his skin, the guilt of letting her get away washing over him once again.

But then he thought about it, the option wasn't fully out the window. He knew it was her, and the reason Kyosuke sent him out in the first place was go find out of it was her. All he had to do was deliver him the information. But there was also that factor.

Junko had blackmail on him, hell she had a whole fucking picture, and possibly more up her ass. When did she even get that picture?? Juzo cursed himself for letting such a major slip up like that happen, especially in a dire time like this. He had liked his best friend for the longest, admiring his go getter attitude and his ability to take action head on no matter the consequences.

He thought- no knew he was the answer.

He knew he was the Ultimate Hope, and there was no way in hell he would stop Kyosuke from achieving what he himself could not.

As he approached the school, he took the back way to dodge all of the Reverse lunatics trying to get in from the front. Would telling Kyosuke the truth really ruin his friendship? Maybe. But there was a chance that she probably wouldn't even tell him at all. Either way- Juzo admired Kyosuke too much for him to lie blatantly to his face like that. The future of Hopes Peak lied in his hands, and he was not going to fuck it up.

Hesitating as he made his way to Kyosukes office, he tried to mentally ready himself, and prepare to be rejected by his best friend. If Junko did tell him, oh of course Kyosuke would confront him about,  that would most likely be him disowning him as a friend, or maybe telling him they should keep their distance. Either way their friendship would end, and- he was okay with it.

That's what he made himself believe at least.

He took a deep breath coming face to face with Kyosukes office door, his uninjured fist knocking on it. A subtle "Come in" came from inside, and he opened the door. The white haired male sat at the desk, papers and files scattered along it in disarray. His eyes were locked with a file in his hand, his pupils scanning the contents along them. Juzo cleared his throat, getting his attention and looking up to so his best friend there, his eyes lighting up slightly.

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