Chapter 7: "I Got A Certificate For It In Preschool!"

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I wake up feeling particularly excited and well rested (I refuse to acknowledge Taehyung holding me the whole night as a reason for this). And I'm completely ready to take on my role as an energetic and curious tourist.

Taehyung is still sleeping like a log when I try to slip out from under his arm. His hold is tight but still comfortable. Honestly, it gives me a feeling of safety. But I'm not going to acknowledge that either. And I definitely ignore the suspicious fluttering in my stomach when I recall how he kept me warm the whole night.

When I try to pull away he just holds on tighter murmuring unintelligible words. And I remind myself that that is not endearing so I should not be endeared!

After a few minutes of careful shifting I manage to get off the bed without disrupting Taehyung's sleep.

I glance back at him one more time.

Aww, he really does look cute when he sleeps.
Nope. No. Not going there Soo.

Now that I'm fully awake, unlike last night, I can fully take in the interiors of the room.

And to be quite frank, it's amazing and exudes luxury. As someone that hasn't actually travelled much...if at all, I really appreciate this experience. If I wasn't so curious about exploring the city than I would happily stay in this hotel room for the entirety of this trip.

I tiptoe to the equally amazing bathroom that has black marble features and a shower that I didn't realise last night was so big it could fit definitely more than one person in it comfortably.

I enjoy my shower but I don't take long with my routine because I didn't want to waste any of the limited time we have to explore. And if Taehyung isn't already awake...I'd leave a note and explore on my own because he really did look too cute to wake up.

I wrap myself in one of humongous fluffy towels and rethink what I said to Taehyung about not taking these...but then I imagine the argument we'd probably have and the disapproving look on his face as well as the fact that it might be construed as stealing and I decide that I'll still to taking just the mini soaps...and maybe the little coffee satchets from the coffee bar in the room.

Pulling the shower cap off, I open the door to the bathroom and I see Taehyung looking through the bag.

"Oh, you're awake. I was going to leave without you if you weren't," I say and he looks up for a moment just to scowl at me.

Taehyung takes his clothes and lays it on the ironing board that he took out that was probably in one of the cupboards.

He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Spit it out."

"What?" He says surprised.

"Whatever you want to ask. There's something. Just say it," I say looking through the bag myself.

He huffs, "could you iron this for me?"

I squint at him and I'm ready to go on a feminist rant.

"Not because I'm instructing you or that I think less of you. I'm just really bad at ironing. I always end up burning through the material or it stays creased. There's no in between." His expression is so sweetly resigned that I can't say no even if I wanted to.

I snort at that. "Sure. It's fine, I don't mind," I said because I really didn't mind doing these tasks so long as the reason behind it is innocent not something rooted in the 1800s.

Honestly I have no issue with doing any kind of household tasks. As long as I'm doing them out of my own volition or because I've committed to doing or even if it's my responsibility as a member of the household but not if it's considered my responsibility as woman.

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