Dirty Thoughts (H.S)

Start from the beginning

But before my thoughts could spiral any further, I was forced back to reality by the sound of a knock on the door. I furrowed my eyebrows, swiveling in my chair to the attic entrance when a familiar face came through the door, causing a flush of red to grow over my cheeks.

"H-Hailee?" I stuttered out, anxious as if she had been listening to my thoughts this entire time.

"Hey," she flashed a smile, closing the door behind her before skipping her way over.

"Whaa-t are you doing here? You know you.. can't be in here, right? You could get in trouble."

"I have to ask you a question."

I glanced between her eyes in confusion, and she bit her bottom lip, causing me to shudder.

Compose yourself, Y/n.

"Yeah, uh-sure. What is it?'

"Do you like me?"

Oh, shit. That's not what I was expecting.

I felt the color quickly drain from my face, my heart beating out of my chest as I searched her eyes for some sort of saving grace. I had hoped that I misheard her, that maybe she was referring to something else, but her eyes gave me no hints as to what was going through her head, which left me in a stuttering mess.

"Oh uh.. Yeah um, of course I do. I think you're a very great frien-"

"Come on, Y/n. I'm serious," she breathed out in a laugh, shaking her head, and I gulped in fear. I mean, what was I supposed to do? If I admitted my feelings for the girl, I'd be putting the both of us at risk, plus, I'd never get to see her again. If anybody found out about my crush on her, they would force us apart, and the last thing I wanted was for the only person that mattered to me at this god-awful church to be ripped away from me.

But I couldn't lie to her. I mean.. I could, but if I'm being honest, I'm a very shitty liar. There was no getting out of this one, so I was left no choice but to face my fear, accepting the consequences that were soon to come my way.

She deserves to know..

"I uh... Yeah," I nodded my head, the shame forcing my gaze to fall to the floor. "I like you, and I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, and if you don't want to be around me anymore, I understand. And if you need to-"

"Then do something about it," she cut off my rant, and my eyes shot up to hers in confusion. Her words caught me entirely off guard, and for a second, I didn't think I heard her right at all.

"W-what do you mean?"

"You know..." she giggled, taking a step back toward the door and clicking the lock shut. "For someone so observant as yourself, you can be pretty blind."

"Uhh," I let out a nervous chuckle, unsure as to what was actually happening, and she slowly stalked her way toward me, biting the smirk from her lips. Once she was stood right in front of me, she leaned herself down, resting her hands on the armrests of my chair.

"In all seriousness, though," she started in a whisper, her eyes softening as they looked between mine. "What they did to you was pretty fucked up, and I'm sorry about that. Our parents should have never said all of those things to you, it was wrong.. But if I'm being honest, you're not the only one that has those sort of.. thoughts."

Her teeth crushed even further into her lips, a look of shy-guilt spread across her face, but her eyes looked into mine with a sense of safety, as if I was her lifeline. It was a look I could have only dreamed of getting from her, but despite my giddiness for the girl, I buried my inner excitement in the moment and took a chance, lifting my hand to cup her cheek.

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