Chapter 4 - Airport Battle

Start from the beginning

"Then why did you run?"

"Wait!" You grab his hand, and Tchalla looks at you.

"Let's just hear him out, Tchalla." You try to tell him. He stares at you. Barnes just sitting there in a compromised position, waiting to see if the Panther will slit his throat.

You feel him relax his arm in your hold to not attack, when you're thrown away by some red force.

"Y/N!" Tchalla exclaims and forgets about Barnes to run to where you were thrown.

"Ugh." You groan from your spot on the ground.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Tchalla asks running up and bending down to you.

"Mhm, I'm fine." You mumble as he helps you up.

"Go, I'll be right behind you." You say, you still needed to question Barnes.

Tchalla nods and run.

As you run, you see Captain America running off somewhere but with a smile on his face, so you turn to where he ran from. You see the spider kid holding something heavy up. You look at him in awe at his strength at suck a young age, before running over to him. You grab a metal thing to hold it up so he can get time to out.

"Thanks, wolf girl. Are you, like, a werewolf or something?" He ask, you laugh and shake your head. Just when you're supposed to tell him something, you attention is taken toward the little guy turning into a big, no huge, guy.

"Holy shit!" The kid exclaim as you both look at it in surprise taking a step back.

Rhodes gets thrown away by the big guy, and the kid runs off.

"I got him." He says and shoots weds to catch him.

(Fighting scenes.)

You had watched as the tower fell on top of Tchalla, and you were running toward it. But you see him in the distance behind the tower on the ground as he tries to jump up on the aircraft but missed. So he was okay.

You watched the aircraft fly away, when you hear a voice behind you.

"Ey! Wolverine girl. Will you babysit the kid for me, he's done." Stark asks you as he walks past you, you nod and he flies off after Rogers and Barnes.

You stay with the kid and you bond with him, having always wanted kids on your own. He asks about the tail of course, if it's real and how it works. So you tell him the story of how you pranked Tchalla's sister and since she had been working on your suit, as a payback she made you an artificial tail that moved after your mood, just like a dog. He found it hilarious of course.

You even let him feel it and told him how it worked, the little you knew how to explain, it was still very technical for you and hard to understand. The kid seemed smart and put it together himself a lot, using fancy words that you didn't understand.

As you talked, you had taken off your helmet too and he was examining it in interest when you feel a presence somewhere behind from where you and Peter sit.

You turn your head to find Tchalla with a small smile on his face, as he watches you in awe. He hadn't been able to move as he watched you talking and laughing with the kid.

When you had turned to him it woke him up from his trance and moved to go over to the two of you.

You stand up when he approaches and the kid finally looks up from the helmet and freezes from his rambling when he sees Tchalla. He stands up hurriedly and stutters as he tries to figure out what to do.

"Uh.. your highness, uh.. i mean, majesty.. no, uh.. prince.. uh.. Hello." He finally says and bows.

You and Tchalla chuckle softly and he shakes his head to the kid.

"No worry about that. Tchalla." He introduces himself.

"Peter Parker." The kid introduces himself to Tchalla, who nods and then turns to you.

"I threw a tracker on it." You inform him and he sighs in relief.

"Are you ready to leave?" He then asks you and you turn to the boy.

"Will you be fine on your own for now?" You ask him.

"Hm. Oh, yes. I'll be fine." He reassures you with a smile.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Peter. Take care, okay?" You tell him with a smile.

"You too, Y/N." He waves as you turn to leave.

You smile to yourself as you walks with Tchalla, you turn to him when you hear him talk.

"You're great with kids." He compliments and you shrug. "Do you want one yourself? I don't believe I've ever heard you say it directly before." Tchalla then asks shyly.

"Yes." You answer immediately, looking at your aircraft as you approach it. Not noticing the look of so much love and admiration Tchalla has as he looks at you.


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