Part 4

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U get woken up by a text message U turn around to see how it's from

Over text

Angel- Ella???

U- what??

Angel- U ok??

U- yea I'm just got a huge hangover

Angel- oh ok well I gtg but just letting U know the boys stayed over and me and Jake went to school ivy also here so that means devil and Zane are at the house

U- ok go to classes now I'll get ready and go home in a sec

Angel- ok stay safe love U

U- yea yea love U more

Back with U

U get up and get ready U only get up and do ur hair cuz U didn't have ur make-up U get ur gear and keys and go down stairs U put on ur gear and drive home

U- guys???? U here????

U say walking into the house, U take off ur gear and walk up stairs to angels room

U- hello???? Is anyone here???

U walk up and into angels room and open the door

U- well good morning then

U say opening the door to find devil still asleep in angels bed and Zane playing video games

Zane- yo

Devil- good morning

U walk over to devil and kiss him on the cheek

Zane- wow when did that happen????

U- last night

Zane- and I'm assuming that angel doesn't like it

Devil- well have U meet him

Zane- yea unfortunately

U laugh a little and go to ur room U start getting ready while you do you here a knock on the door and guys talking along with people walking past Ur room twice when ur done U go to angles room and see 4 guys not including Zane and devil

U- ummm

Zane- oh Ella this is Asher, blake, Liam and arlo

He says as his hand move from guys to guy

U- ok???? Look idrc

Devil then stands up and says

Devil- soz she just like that

U- y are they in my house

U say pushing devil back down

Zane- Ella calm down

U- oh U did not

Zane- soz

Blake- damn dude U really just gonna let her talk to u like that

Arlo- U never let women say that stuff to U and get away with it

Zane- she different

Asher- different?!?!

Liam- different how????

U- love how U guys are just talking about me like I'm not right here

Zane- well for starters she's scary and she's my mates sister sooooooo not like I could do anything anyway

Blake- damn

Liam- witch mate

U- angle

Arlo- hold up Ur angles sister????

U- yea

Asher- ohhhhhhhh damn

Devil- ummmmmm Ella Ur phone

U could U phone going off the rails in Ur room so U leave and check it

When U turn on Ur phone U saw a bunch of people tagging U in photos and videos and others were texting but there was one text that caught Ur eyes the school was texting U telling U to get ur perents there now

U immediately grabbed Ur keys and ran back to the boys

U- hey gtg I'll brb pls don't destroy the house

U ran down stairs and heard someone follow U

Devil- Ella what happened?????

U- angle got in trouble at school and the school started texting me to get my parent

U say rushing around get ur gear

Devil- what'd he do???

U- look I got to go can I trust U with the house

U say putting on ur helmet

Devil- I mean yea ofc

He says open Ur visor

U- k thxxxxxxxxxx I love you gtg bye

U hug him and leave and he locks the door behind u

U rode over to ur dad's work and run to the front desk where the front lady asked

Front lady- Hi how can I help U???

U- Hi ummmm I'm look for my dad

Front lady- and who might he be young lady???

U- mike bloodstone

Front lady- ahhhhh so he's in a meeting right now

U- when do U think the meeting will end????

Front lady- oh soooo about just a min now U can sit and wait for him

U- yes please

Front lady- ok right this way

The lady brang U to what U assumed was his office and U sat waiting for him in there

After about a min he walked in saying

Dad- hello how can I help U???

U turn around at the sound of his voice

Dad- Ella????? what are U doing here?????

U- look angels got in a fight at school and the school is waiting for me to bring U there

Dad- well hunny I'm sorry but Ur going to have to go get ur mother I'm sorry I can't leave work right now

U- what do U mean mum????? she's over seas on a "work trip" remember????

Dad- I'm sorry hun I can't

U- wow best dad award goes too

U say as U walk past him and back out to ur bike puting Ur helmet on, U drive over to the school and go to the office

Office lady- ahhhh Ella go right through

U walk straight past and to the principal office

Principal- Ella where are Ur parents?????

U- soz miss but our mum is over seas and our dad just so happens to care so little about us that he can't get off his ass and come get his own son so either U wait 5 business days to talk to him or U can talk to me cuz I'm right here

Principal- right ummmmm ok could I call Ur mother

Angle- nahhhhh she probably to bussy cheating on our dad to answer

Principal- well Im not sure what to do here

U- well figured it out

U say sitting down next to angel then the principal stands up and leaves to make a few calls leaving U and angel in her office

U look at angel with concern and say

U- a fight??? This is the second time this week and last time U disappeared for hours what's going on????

Words: 1026

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