Part 1

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Angel- yn wake up

Angel says as he walks in waking U up

U- yea yea I'm up

U get out of bed and get ready U get ready faster then him so U go in to his room to talk to him while he gets ready

U- angel where's mum and dad??

Angel- where they always are

U- *sigh*

angel basically raised u cuz ur perents were always working

Angel- hey it's ok they do care about us

He says as he walks up to U, looking down at U

U- yea ik thier just never here

Angel- ik yn

Then U hear a knock at the door

U- I'll go get it

Angel nods and U go open the door

U- yes??

Devil- oh I must not have the right house

U look behind him to see 2 other boys on bikes parked next to urs and his ( angel )

U- oh are U looking for angel??

Devil- ummm yea

U- I'll go get him

U go back up stairs to angels room

U- angel ur friends are waiting for U

Angel- ok go get ur gear ur coming with us

U- but to eve and ivy will be here in a sec

U say as U follow him down stairs and to the door

Angel- great they can come to

U- bu-

Angel- helmet now

He demands

U- fine

U grown and roll Ur eyes as U walk to get ur helmet and gloves

Devil- is that ur sister??

Angel- yea did U not know I had a sister??

Devil- no was I suppose to??

Angel- umm yea kinda

U- how long have U been riding together for??

Angel- 2 years

U- and U didn't know he had a sister??

U put ur helmet on

Angel- keys

He says while opening Ur visor U do a little run up to ur room and get ur keys when U came down U saw the girls sitting with the boys who were still putting on thier helmets and gloves U lock the door and go to ur bike U turn it on and angel moves it for U the boys finish putting on thier stuff and U signal to the girls to go U all go and watch as the boys rush to go and catch up thought it wasn't hard cuz U had to wait to turn off ur street the boys court up fast and U went to school

When U got to school U all parked and started talking while U took off ur gear U and the girls are talking and the boys are talking

Eve- yn why'd we have to ride with the boys??

Eve say walking away from her bike and over to U but Ur visor wasn't up (if U don't know what that means basically U can't here anyone and they can't here u) so U struggle to open it visor

Eve- yn??

U point to ur visor sighing that U can't open it she trys to and fails then ivy walked up

Ivy- U guys good

Eve- no yns visor won't open

Ivy trys to open it but can't

Ivy- ask angel

She say pointing to him so U know what she means U walk up to angel and start tapping him while he's talking to his friends, he continues until his friend stops talking and looks at U

Angle- yes??

Ivy- we can't open her visor

Ivy yells while laughing still leaning on ur bike and U point to ur visor

Angel- come on yn U've been biking for a year and U still can't open Ur visor

U give him the finger and he opens it for U with ease U roll Ur eyes when he starts laughing at U then notice Devil starring

U- fuck U

U say before walking back to the other girls

With the girls

U- what's up?????

Eve- y did we have to ride with Ur brother?????

U- umm the boys showed up and angel just said we had to ride with them I did try to get out of it but no

Ivy- I'm for one glad

Eve- why??

Ivy- I mean we've never met them so ig it was good to

Eve- yea ig

Ivy- plus their hot

Eve- Idk I'm still team angel

U- EWWWWWW!!!!!!

Eve laughs and U guys just talk until U all decide to go inside

Back with everyone

U and devil have lockers next to each other and on the other side was angel

Angel- why'd U yell ewww earlier??

U- eve was just being gross dw about it

Angel- ok stay safe love U

He says walking away with his friends

U- love u

ur friends were already gone so BC U only had classes with devil and none of ur friends or ur brother U decided to just skip hoping devil wouldn't say anything and guess what he didn't U rode up and parked in the same spot waiting for ur friends pretending U just were quicker then them eve and ivy ran up and hugged U

Ivy- girl today was full with drama

Eve- yea U missed out

Ofc it was just the usual some couple broke up, some other kids got together and some rando dudes got in a fight but then they said something that usually doesn't happen

Eve- oh and angel got in a fight

U- oh great

U say rolling ur eyes

U- so where is he??

U ask as he was the only one not there yet

Ivy- actually dk

They go back to their bikes and U look at devil already looking at U, U smile

eve- yn I've got to go soz

U- yea just go its fine

And one by one they all leave except devil
He walks over to U

Devil- what'd U do today??

U- oh yea thx for not saying anything

Devil- it's alright

U look at the front door of the school worried

Devil- he'll be ok I promise but I have to go I'm sorry ml

U- yea just go I'll be fine

He leaves and U try calling ur mum ur dad angel like a million times at this point its 6 pm and still nothing so U call ur friends and his to ask what to do but nobody answers so U try devil and he answers on the first ring

Devil- yea?? U ok??

U- yea I'm all good but still no angel and idk what to do??? there's also some creepy guy staring at me

Devil- shit ok stay on call I'm coming

Words: 1088

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