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A/n: This chapter is purely Therese POV, with that being said time to jump in!


"Click click"

You could hear the clicks of the keys on type writers being pressed against, today I was just focusing on getting this paragraph written and sent to my boss before the guest I invited would arrive.
               I've already informed my boss on the details luckily and surprisingly he was more than okay, he even let me hold a room to myself for the evening. I've brought a few pictures from my apartment with me previously.

While the others that was located here at the office— I took them all and pinned up in the room, like an art display. Almost like a gallery walk gala.

"Knock knock"


Stopping my finger from their movements I turned to meet the persons eyes "Sir?" Questioning the man who stood by the door.
            "You have a few visitors waiting for you in the lobby" Sharing the known information.

"Guest?" I mumbled, raising my wrist I peaked at the time on my watch '3:00' it read. Shoot!
          Being so caught up in my work I nearly forgotten.

Getting up from my seat I walked past the man, patting his shoulder on the way out while shouting "Thanks Mr. Dickens!" That was the name of the man, that man being my boss.
Frankly I was extremely surprised he delivered the message himself, may be a good day for him.

I brought my attention back to what I was meant to be doing, entering the lobby I opened the door the led to the outer part area. Where all the guest would be held; until someone came to get them— That someone being me.

Once I entered the room they all stood up greeting me.

"Hello Ms. Belivet" Eleanor greeted me with a hug, squeezing me tight; for a person she only met last week she seemed to be warmed up to me already.

"Greeting Mrs. Pope" I replied, removing myself from her embrace.

My focus going to the two men who was directly in front of me now.

"Ms. Belivet, I can assure you I am thrilled to witness your work"— "Oh it would be all the pleasure, thank you Mr. Chester" Thanking the kind gentleman for his touching words.

"Salutations Belivet" Fred greeted me sticking his hand out for me to take; which I did.—
              "Salutations Mr. Haymes" I smiled.

Looking over there she was, the beautiful blonde stallion. So charming and elegant, Therese stop! Just friends, you guys are just friends. Mentally telling myself off before I dug a deeper love hole for myself.

"Hi, Carol. I'm glad you could make it" I uttered sincerely.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world" She replied then coming up to give me a hug, I instantly happen to melt into her touch.
Remembering where we were and who we were with I pulled away and smiled.

"Alright" Clapping my hands together to get everyone's attention.
"First things first, no touching anything on our way or I'll be the one to get heat for it. Secondly, if you would follow me to the room I have set up for this particular visit" I added.

They all agreed and nodded and I began my walk, we past a few cubicles one so happened to be Dannie's of whom I waved to through a window.
Coming to a stop I opened the door and turned back to everyone else.
"Here we are! The photos are displayed on the walls, so have fun taking a look at them all"
I exclaimed, by the end of my announcement they all were brushing pass me to get a glimpse of all the photographs.

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