lmao angst bc I hate myself??

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Lmao I was listening to body by Jordan Suaste while writing this sooo

Travis pov-

I was standing in front of the mirror fixing my hair slightly seeing as me and sal were heading down to eat dinner with Larry and Mrs Johnson,

I couldn't help but notice how the seemingly never fading bruise under my eye had faded completely,

I looked.. normal..?

I kept studying my face, bringing my hand up to grace the skin under my eye, it really was gone.. it just didn't feel as if it was..

Almost as if it would always be there with me, in a sick way I sort of missed it, I had had it for such a long time that it just seemed as if it was a part of me.

A part of who I was.

I snapped out of my thoughts and continued to ruffle my hair so that it layed at least a bit better than before,

Once me and sal were at Larry's place it was a while till the food was going to be done,

Sal and Larry went to Larry's room to listen to some sanity falls.

I was helping Lisa around the kitchen, helping to prepare the food in silence, defining silence.

I know that Lisa wasn't at all like father- like Kenneth. But I couldn't help but feel on edge, as if I messed anything up I'd be punished for it,

Lisa spoke up after a while

"Travis, you okay dear?" She asked, her voice gentle and kind, reminding me just how unlike father she was

"Yeah, sorry Mrs Johnson- Lisa, just tend to space our while cooking," I said smiling softly at her,

She nodded, "is it okay if you finish the pasta, dear? I need to tend to something with Mr Addison, it's about the apartment," she asked me

"Of course, I'd be happy too" I said smiling,

She needs nodded in a thankful manner before leaving.

I continued cooking the pasta, my mind wandering,

In an odd sense, I really missed him, I missed father, mother. Everything about them,

The good and bad. Well more bad then good when it comes to father at least,

He always kept me in track, made sure I was good.

I snapped out of my thoughts yet again, I hated thinking like this, but u couldn't help it, he has raised me, he had cared for me.

I did love him, even if he didn't care for me at all.

I finished the pasta and called Larry and sal to come eat,
Once we were eating sal and Larry were chatting about some new album or something along the lines,

I couldn't help but keep zoning out while eating,

They didn't seem to notice it much, but I tried my best to listen to whatever it was they were saying,

"-What do you think about that Travis?" Larry asked snapping out of my thoughts

"Oh- uh, great." I answered, somewhat ashamed of the fact that I hadn't been listening

Larry tilted his head before looking at sal  who was also looking at me

"You okay Travis?" Sal asked me

"Huh? Yeah of course," I answered

They both shared a glance before continuing to eat.



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