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Ayoo? Is this what you think it is? How long have you been waiting? Idk, anyways I updated the last chapter so read that as well thx! Anyways hope y'all enjoy! <3

Travis pov-

I woke up on the couch next to sal. I sit up slowly, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes,

"Mmm.." sal groans tiredly

I look down at him, his face down into the pillow with his hair spread out everywhere, he looked gorgeous, like art,

I shake the thoughts out of my head and slowly shake him awake,

"Wake up sal.." I said carefully,

He groaned and sat up, his hair working almost like a curtain, I let out a small giggle, thinking that he reminded me of the girl from that one horror movie,

"Nice hairstyle," I said smiling at him

He looked at me and giggled a bit with me

"Haha. Real funny trav," he said sarcastically

"No no I mean it," I said laughing

"Anyways! We have plans today remember?" I said excitedly

"Hmm? What ? We do?" He asked confused

"Yes silly. We do." I said looking at him

"What do you mean?- ohh.. right. We do have plans." He said finally remembering

"How are you so excited to clean??" He asked groaning

"Well, your dad is gonna be coming home and I think heed be angry if the apartment was a mess? Don't you agree?" I asked

"I guesss" he said

"Do we start cleaning then?" I asked

"SUREEE..." He said clearly not pleased with the fact that he'd have to clean,

I stood up and made my way to a cupboard in the kitchen, I grabbed all the cleaning supplies and put them on the counter, I started to wipe the kitchen,

"Could you fix the Livingroom?" I asked him

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me while I was wiping down the kitchen, he started to slowly kiss up and down my back,

I felt myself cringe a little,
"Isn't that a bit awkward since I'm wearing a shirt?" I asked genuinely curious

"Nope!" He said before kissing me one last time and moving over to clean the living room,

Just the Gizmo came up to me and started meowing,

"you hungry little guy?" I asked pouring some food for him, I made sure to put a little extra,

"Shh don't tell sal," I said jokingly winking at him,

He meowed softly at me and started to eat his food, I stood up and continued to clean the kitchen
Sals pov-

I heard Travis talking to someone and looked over to the kitchen, just to find him pouring food for gizmo, I smiled softly to myself

I continued cleaning, wiping away dust, fixing the couch cushions, eventually I grabbed the vacuum and started to vacuum the carpet,

Once I was finished with the Livingroom I looked over to Travis who was now fixing the hallway,

He was taking his time to hang every jacket on a hook, since most of them had just been layzily thrown onto a chair,

"Need help with that trav?" I asked since I was done,

"I think it's done actually, it's just your room left," he said smiling

"Our room" I corrected him, he tended to sometimes feel as if he was intruding into my space, and I constantly remind him that he lives here just as much as I do,

He nodded and smiled,

We both walked OUR room to start cleaning, Travis was folding clothes, while I was making our bed, after I was done I walked over to the bass ampliyand placed it neatly next to mine,

Travis groaned and stretched his back,
"I think I'm done with this" he said turning around to look at me

"Cool! Wanna get ready? Dad should be here in around maybe an hour? Maybe one and a half?" I said

"Sure!" He replied

We both started to get dressed.

"I like your outfit, " Travis said looking at me

I raised an eyebrow, "really now?" I asked

He nodded softly, I walked up to him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips,

"Thanks Travy" I said

"Here let me fix your hair sal" he said patting the bed gesturing for me to sit down,

I sat down in front of him, he started to tie my hair up in two pigtails,

Once he was done I walked iver to the mirror.

He had surprisingly done a great job, "thanks Travis! It looks really nice," I said smiling softly at him

He blushed slightly at the compliment,

"I'm glad you like it," he said still looking down, I smirked at how embarrassd he got

"Aww no need to be embarrassed" I said jokingly

"Hah! I am not," he said smiling widely.

Just then we heard the door open, and my dad walked in,
We both walked out there to greet him,

"Good morning dad!" I said hugging him, whilst Travis held out a hand

"Good morning sir" Travis said shaking my fathers hand,

"Morning kiddo! And kid I've never met before? Nice to meet you," my dad said

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Travis," Travis said smiling politely

My dad nodded smiling

"Well you guys must be hungry- want me to order some food?" My dad asked.

"Sure!" Me and Travis said,
We decided what pizza we wanted to get and waited in our room,

"Your dad seems really nice" Travis said,

"He is usually" I responded smiling

A new kind of relationship (sal x travis)Where stories live. Discover now