the continued day-

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Travis pov-

I slowly start heading downstairs, the reason for this is the fact that I'm pretty sure he broke one of my ribs and now it hurts like hell

I quickly remember that father wasn't at home, his shoes where not in the hallway and his car was not in the driveway.

"Thank god.." I mumble under my breath

I decided on not eating breakfast today, worried that the pain I felt would only get worse,

I take a final look in the mirror after putting my shoes on,

The bandages are very obvious,

I'm screwed

I contemplated telling sally but decided not to. So what if he thinks the bandages are from hurting myself. It's not like I owe him anything, he can't decide what I do

"But you do.." a tiny voice in the back of my head said, sounding so scrawny, so weak

"He really doesn't" another voice said, honestly it sounded alot like my dad, aggressive, strict

"Sal helped you!, You should at least show some gratitude!" Another voice pipes up

"Ugh! Stop talking!" I yell

I've actually lost it haven't I.
Fucking hell.

I quickly leave my driveway and head to school

At school -

Travis pov-

I head towards my locker when I'm inturupted by something, or someone

It's Larry,

"Uhhh, dude..?"

"Yeah Larry?" I say trying not to come of as rude

"Did you-?, Did you do that to yourself?" He asked motioning to the bandages all over

"Fuck.." I mumble

"I uh i didn't, it's for fashion you know? Just trying something new.." I state trying to sound believe

"Yeah.. uhhmm" sal says I gotta keep tabs on you cause yk.. we are in the same classes" he said awkwardly

"K" i respond

"Let's head to algebra with sal then?"

"Mhmm" I respond

Once we were in algebra I noticed that sal wasn't sitting in his normal seat, but in the one next to me,

I put my things down on the table and sat down.

"Morning" he said sounding relaxed

"Yeah good morning sal" I added

He turned to look at me to say something but his eyes seemed worried.


"Don't worry it's for fashion" the I say with a fake smile on my face

" Then you won't mind taking it of would you?"

"N-no of course I wouldn't"

"Come with me to the bathroom then" "the teacher is distracted" he adds

"I- I don't know sally.."

"Are you lying?" He asks

"N-No! Ofc not" I say not very convincing

"Then let's go"

We stand up quitly trying not to let anyone notice, they don't

We headed to the same bathroom as yesterday, I stop

A new kind of relationship (sal x travis)Where stories live. Discover now