Chapter 16

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Georgina's pov

I walked downstairs and found Marcus sitting in the living room. He had his phone in his hand.

"Hey, you are back. How was the meeting with Beach?" I asked

"It was good. She won." Marcus responded

"Wow! She must be a good swimmer." I said and sat next to Marcus and then grabbed a sandwich that was on the table.
"This is so good," I said after my first bite.

"Yeah, that's a taste of Dallas hotel food," Marcus said
"I met Beach's dad. He's such a good old man." Marcus added. I chuckled and continued eating the sandwich.
"And I also bumped into Finn," Marcus said and this time fetched my attention.

"Finn Peterson? What was he doing there?"

"I don't know. We had lunch together. " Marcus said.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed in disbelief. I couldn't believe what Marcus was telling me. For a second I thought I was dreaming. Marcus hated Finn and there was no way he would ever share a meal with him.
"Okay, I'm happy you two are getting along." I finally said trying to fetch some more explanation from Marcus.

"Beach invited him after seeing us chat after bumping into each other. I will never get along with him or share a meal willingly." Marcus said

"Okay, thanks for the sandwich. Good Night." I said and walked back upstairs.
I changed into my gown and sat on my bed listening to songs from my phone.
A few minutes later I heard something over my window. I looked out the window. I did see anyone.

" Maybe I am just imagining things," I  said to myself and then turned away. I then heard a knock on the same window. I stood up terrified. I took an empty glass of wine and walked towards the window slowly.

" Who is there?" I asked for a distance.

" Georgina, it's me, Finn," Finn responded from outside.

" Hell no!" I opened the window

" What the hell is this?" I asked. "
"You scared me almost to death, Finn.

I continued talking while Finn remained silent. I looked at him and noted he was staring at my body which was showing on my transparent night dress. He stared at me from head to toe. I felt a little ashamed because I was not wearing anything beneath my night dress.

"I am sorry," I said and then grabbed my jacket and put it on. It was long enough to cover up to my knees.   

"That was stupid. I am sorry. I should get going." Finn said and turned to the window. He looked embarrassed.

" You don't have to go. You can stay." I said and sat on the bed.

" Are you sure?"  Finn asked and I nodded and he sat down next to me.

"Why did you come through the window?" I asked.

" I did not want to risk coming to Marcus in the living room," Finn responded
"I just wanted to check on you and see if you are okay. " Finn added

"I am okay. Thank you." I said and waited for Finn to continue with the conversation but instead, he stared at me not speechless.
" What?" I asked

Finn extended his hand to me held my hair and started caressing them using his fingers and then leaned his head closer to me. I stared at his perfect eyes then lips and an urge of him to kiss me started growing in me. I opened my lips after noticing he was taking forever to kiss me. Finn grinned and then placed lips on mine and kissed me and his eyes glowed.

" I should go home before Liam notices I am not there," Finn said as soon as we stopped kissing.

" I know but I  want you to stay a little longer," I said.

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