Chapter IV Song of the Drengir

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Krima outer rim six years ago.. On the mountain top.. "I won't be able to make it.." Keeve said as she looked across to the other side.... You will make it." Sskeer said to her... " It's too far, I'll fall." Keeve said with apprehension... "You will not fall.."Sskeer said to her with confidence.... "You need to visualise yourself landing on the other side beneath your feet.. The Force is with you Keeve." Sskeer said to her, giving her all the courage she needed....

"He always believed in me.. Even when I didn't.." Keeve said to Jade as they hung in the weeds.. "Sounds a lot like Obi-Wan. He would always tell me the same thing.." Jade replied wishing she was anywhere with Saw right now instead of here.. "He always knew what to say.. The Legendary Sskeer.." Keeve said as she remembered falling.. "My master.. Always there to catch me when I fell to put me back on track.." Keeve said.. "That is what a Master does, should always do." Jade said, remembering Cade, and how he let Roan down, then the Jedi order... 

Keeve was falling.. Sskeer using Force to pick her up.. "I'm sorry Master.." Keeve said to him in her thoughts... "Do not apologise Padawan! There are now shortcuts on lights path. We survive, we repeat, we succeed, now.." Sskeer said to her... Back on the mountain top.. "Shall we try that again?" Sskeer asked her.. 

"He was my rock, my universe.." Keeve said almost crying now.. "Obi-Wan was my rock.. I loved being his Padawan.." Jade said to Keeve.. "Why did he not Knight you?" Keeve asked.. "He was going to, I was due to go to the Jedi trials soon.. But things happened and he had no time left." Jade said with sadness, she missed him more than she thought possible.. "Did he die?" Keeve asked.. Jade looked over at her.. She thought about Ashlyn, Anakin, Cade..... "I don't know." Jade replied with total and complete sadness.. "I am so sorry, I can feel your hurt." Keeve said to her... But now Jade was not listening, her mind was on Cade and how the Jedi order had fallen..

"Jade is in trouble!" Saw said leaving the room the younglings were training in.. "You can not help her, Saw." Jocasta said to him.. "Yes I can, she needs her lightsaber Jocasta.. She needs me.. I must go back and get it for her." Saw said to her.. "You can not go alone." Jocasta said.. "Are you going to come with me?" Saw asked her.. "No.. Maybe you could take Katooni.. She seems to have bonded with Jade." Jocasta said.. "Where is she?" Saw asked.. "Come, I will take you to her." Jocasta said to him..

Sedri Minor the Galactic Frontier... now... "How could it have gone so wrong.." Keeve asked herself.. "That is what I keep asking myself every day. Why would he do something like that? Why would he go to the dark side?" Jade asked no one, she was just vetting..... "Sskeer what are you going? Release us.." Kriss said to him with her Jedi Marshall voice..... "The Drengir must feed Marshall, we must feed.." Sskeer replied in a calm and collected voice... "Listen to yourself, people are going missing on this planet. The people you promised to protect as Jedi.." Kriss said to him.. "Before you allowed yourself to be corrupted.. Just as Cade did!" Jade yelled at him.. "Is this why you cut yourself off from the Force, Sskeer? Is this why I couldn't hear your song?" Kriss asked him in a calm and controlled voice... "You talk too much, you will be silenced." Sskeer said to them.. "Better Jedi than you have tried. But none have succeeded." Jade said to him.... Sskeer looked at Jade, as if she was not even there, he then turned to Ava.. "Ava Kriss, always so convinced that the galaxy dances to your tune.. You say you wish to understand.. You say you wish to know, then for once you must truly listen.... Listen to the song of the Drengir.." Sskeer said to her... "I don't think it is her tune, nor is it yours." Jade said to him.. Ava looked at Jade with annoyance.. "I have told you before Padawan Quinn, you are interfering in things you know nothing of." Kriss said to her.. "Oh yes I do, I know the dark side when I feel it.. I know what it can do to a Jedi.. Don't tell me I do not know things!" Jade yelled at Kriss.. "I will allow this outburst because you are new to our order.. But if you speak to a Jedi Master like that again, we will have words. I do not care if you do sing the Jedi song with light." Kriss said to her.. "I'm sure we will." Jade said digging the hole deeper.. "Silence, Padawan!" Sskeer yelled at her.. Jade narrowed her eyes at him, she wanted to jump down and attack him, but she held back.. She would not become one with the dark side..

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