Chapter II Tomb in Space

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Starlight beacon.. "Jade, what are you doing here, I thought you were with Bell?" Obi-Wan said to her.. "Not me, no.. But my younger self is." Jade said with a bright smile.. "Master Kenobi, we came here through the grotto.." Soris said with wide eyes.. "You did, that is nice.. Jade I wish to speak with you..... Now!" Obi-Wan said to her.. "Idea good it is not.. Obi-Wan.. You must return home to your time." Yoda said to him.. "With all due respect Master Yoda, I have a right to know why my Padawan is here with Madame Jocasta and a lot of younglings." Obi-Wan said to him.. "I will not tell him anything." Jade said.. "Mmmm... Fear I feel, for you Jade.. Help yourself you might not be able to. Tell you might by mistake." Yoda said to him.. "No... I will not....." Jade was going to say do that.. "Jade is not going anywhere with either of you.. We need to go home back to our time. Now!" Saw said.. All stood and looked at him in shock.. "Who might you be?" Obi-Wan asked him.. "Saw Gerrera, Jade's husband.." Saw replied.. Obi-Wan looked down at Jade.. She smiled up at him.. "I...." Jade was saying.. "I do not want to know." Obi-Wan said to her.. "You don't know what I have been through.. You know nothing Obi-Wan Kenobi!" Jade said to him in anger..

Back at the cave, Jade, Saw and the younglings enter, leaving a very unhappy Obi-Wan outside.. "Can I touch it this time?" Yvettee asked.. "Yes." Jade said with sadness.. She had missed Obi-wan, it was only now she realised how much.. She touched the stone and they waited, then Jade opened the door to the grotto.. Obi-Wan stood there watching her with a cranky look.. "Did you go home before us?" Jade asked.. "You have not gone anywhere Jade!" Obi-Wan said to her.. "Come on, let's try again, this time you touch the stone Jade." Saw said, dragging her back into the grotto... Jade touched the stone and thought about what was waiting for her back with the Empire.. They opened the door, and there was Obi-Wan, still waiting.. "Again." Jade said.. This went on for a while.. Before Obi-Wan put a stop to it.. "Enough! For some unknown reason the Force wills you to stay here.. I am sorry Jade." Obi-Wan said to her.. "I am sure the Force only wills it because you are standing out here." Saw said with a little anger.. "Do not blame your predicament on me, young man.. You must take responsibility for your actions." Obi-Wan said to him.. "Stop it! I want to go and rest!" Jade said storming off..

Later that night Jade sat in with Master Yoda again.. "Excuse me Master Yoda, we have picked up a distress signal from the Kazlin system.. We are going to send Master Sskeer with Master Tennis and Masters Terec and Ceret." Kriss said to him.. "Perhaps Padawan Quinn should accompany them." Yoda said.. "This I take it is Padawan Quinn?" Kriss asked, looking at Jade.. "Yes." Yoda said.. "But I need to go home." Jade said to Yoda.. "Not yet." Obi-Wan said to her.. "Yes, now Master Kenobi." Saw said to him.. "No, on this mission Jade should be.. Go, perhaps you will find what you are looking for." Yoda said to her.. "I only want to go home." Jade said with a sigh.. "Force is singing to you Padawan Quinn.. You should listen." Kriss said to her... "I don't even have my lightsaber." Jade said.. "A lightsaber dose not make you a Jedi, Jade." Obi-Wan said to her.. "But it helps.. Where is the hangar?" Jade asked.. "You are not seriously doing this?" Saw said to her.. "I love you Saw, a few more days is not going to make a great deal of difference." Jade said to him.. She then kissed him and she was shown to the hangar by Padawan Reath Silas..

Somewhere in galactic space.. Keeve feels like she is being watched by Master Sskeer.. She feels he and others are waiting for her to make a mistake.. They are on a ship with the Kotabi twins, who are still practising their lightsaber moves.. Keeve finds them a huge distraction, because they are annoying her... "We have arrived Jedi Tennis.." Sskeer said to her.. "You know he used to call her Keeve.." She said to Jade who sat next to her.. "He sounds like Obi-Wan." Jade said, staring out into space.. "Almost there, Master Ssker.. Bringing us out of hyperdrive in five.. Four.. three.. Two... one.." Keeve said.. "By the force!" Sskeer said.. "That is..." Terec "Worrying." Cerat said.. "Do you think?" Jade asked, looking back at them.. The ship they have come to rescue is in pieces.. "I sense.." Keeve was saying.. "Survivors..." Terec.. "Sensors indicate the Main Hull is still pressurised, bring us alongside.." Sskeer said to Keeve.. "Yes, Master Terec, if you could deploy the docking tube." Keeve said..

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