Chapter III Down Below

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"Wait I must endure, before I speak with you again Obi-Wan." Yoda said to him with a smile.. "Yes, Master Yoda.. I must speak to you about Jade.." Obi-Wan said to him.. "On a mission she is on.. Send her back to her time when the Force wills it." Yoda said to him.. "Yes, Master, but what are we going back to?" Obi-Wan asked with concern.. "Future you can not change Obi-Wan.. Live our life we should do, without fear of what is to come." Yoda said to him.. "Yes, Master Yoda.. You are correct." Obi-Wan said to him.. "So take your young padawan back to your time.. Where I will speak to you again." Yoda said to him.. "Yes, I will go to collect her now.. I know she has spent the night by the cave with Bell Zsttifar.." Obi-Wan said to Yoda.. "May the Force be with you Obi-Wan.." Yoda said to him.. "And with you." Obi-Wan said leaving him..

Saw was watching the young Jade sleeping, curled up with Bell.. "You should not be here." Obi-Wan said to him.. "I know, but she looks so young and peaceful." Saw said to him.. "I do not know what happened with the two of you, nor do I want to.. But when and why, Jade has left the Jedi Order.. But when she does, then I will have to deal with it when it comes." Obi-Wan said to him.. "She needs to be here with the Jedi.. I see that now.." Saw said to him.. "What will you do?" Obi-Wan asked him.. "HIde out with them.. I can blend in when I have to." Saw said to him.. "I have no idea who you are, or for that matter what you do for a living.. Nor at this point in time do I want to know.. All that I wish for Jade is that she is happy." Obi-Wan said to him.. "Oh she is happy, she was very happy working with you.. She talks about you with fondness." Saw said to him.. "Take care of her, she deserves to be loved." Obi-Wan said to him.. Saw nodded and walked away leaving Obi-Wan to wake the young Jade and take her back to her time..

The Ataraxia Sedri Minor.. "The darkness growls, it must be fed, it must be nourished.." Terec as be is about to attack Sskeer.. "You must calm yourself Jedi.." Kriss said in her Jedi control voice.. "How can we Ava Kriss? You don't understand, we've already lost.." Terec said to her.. "Damned fool lost their minds.." Sskeer said.. "Fool? Terec isn't the one who butchered Nihil in cold blood.. Or who lost Cerett within minutes of marking planetfall.." Kriss said to him when she found them together.. "Hump--- Like you've never made a mistake.." Sskeer replied with sarcasm.. "What!" Kriss replied with total shock... "This isn't about me.. It's about finding out what's happening on this Force-Forsaken rock.." Sskeer said to her in anger....

Outside, near the ship.. "It's not meant to be like this, I am a Jedi Knight, I am supposed to know what to do. And yet I am out here on guard while my former master loses his mind.." Keeve said.. "I know you have not been a Jedi for long, but are you alright?" Jade asked, looking her way.. "Yes, I am fine!" Keeve replied with annoyance.. Why was she left here with the new Padawan that had arrived out of nowhere.. "Hello?" A child said.. "Oh hi, how are you doing?" Keeve asked him, trying to ignore Jade... "Hello." Jade said with a bright smile.. "We thought you might be hungry.. It's Bucco bread baked fresh today." The Boy said to them... "You do eat, don't you?" the other boy asked.. "Well of course we do.. How nice of you both." Jade said to them.. "Heh, yeah we eat that's really kind of you, but you don't have to give us your bread. We have food of our own." Keeve said glaring at Jade... A Rodian couple arrived a few seconds later.. Jade looks at them with suspicion.. "Looks like someone had the same idea." The Rodian said.. "More bread?" Keeve.. "A Samana spiced loaf, we just wanted to help you." The Rodian said.. "Well that is very nice of you.. I have had the pleasure of trying that before." Jade said smiling.... "Your friend, are they?" The Rodian asked... "The Force is with Terec and Ceret, I'm sure." Keeve.. "Yes, they are in no danger at the moment." Jade replied.. "If only we could be so confident, our son Julus went missing just before you arrived and he's not the first.." The Rodian man said... "There have been others?" Keeve asked.... "Four now five, if you include your friend.. Some say the planet is cursed. First the crops fail, and then this and no one will do anything." The Rodian said... "The Vratixian is failing?" Keeve asked with interest... "Rotting in the fields." The Rodian man.. "Why didn't you contact the starlight beacon? We would've helped." Keeve replied, as Jade stood and watched with total amazement.... "Why, because of the Hutts?" The Rodian man asked... "The Hutts?" Jade asked... "Yes, the Hutts." A man said.. "I'm sorry we haven't met." Keeve said to him.. "This is Kalo Sulman.. He is our um..." The Rodian said... "I speak for this community, this honest law-abiding community." Kalo said to the girls.. "I bet you do." Jade replied.. .. "I mean no disrespect, nor does my Apprentice.. I'm not sure if I should be saying this but we found a Hutt Ship adrift in space.. Its crew were slaughtered by raiders known as Nihil.." Keeve said to him.. "And I am the Apprentice?" Jade asked with sarcasm.. "Th-the Nihil? Are you sure?" The Rodian asked.. "We are not sure." Jade said, glaring at Keeve.... "And what makes you think we have anything to do with this?" Kalo.. "We don't, but the grain in the ship's store came from this planet.. If children are vanishing like people say..." Keeve said.. Jade stood there and shook her head, Obi-Wan would have had words with her sooner rather than later... "These people are fantasists!" Kalo.. "But Kal.... Julus is gone, we can't find him anywhere." The Rodain said... "I told you Reeta, we'll deal with this ourselves.. The Jedi don't need your food and they certainly don't need your rumour-mongering." Kalo said to them.. Herding them away from Keeve and Jade.. "It's fine, really it is." Keeve said not knowing what to do or say... "Accept it isn't, is it? Everyone is so scared here.." Jade said to Keeve.. I know, those people even that shuraking bully.." Keeve said.. "So what are you going to do about it?" Jade asked.. "Usually I'd go to my Master but the Masters, well they're occupied.." Keeve said to her.. "So I guess it's up to us then?" Jade asked.. Keeve ignited her lightsaber.. Jade looked her way.. "Feel better now?" Jade aske with sarcasm as they walked into the fields..

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