Trying To Call Him

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Its been two days since you had a autograph from the Big Bang then you realized that Gd wrote something on the back of your poster so you took the poster that Gd signed then you looked at the back... Your eyes widened because it was his number then you saw a message that wrote call me then you were like 0.0

Its been 3 hours and you still kept on deciding to call him or not so you just give up you then took your phone shakily then dialed his number.

Gd: hello?

You: hey!

Gd: YEY YOU CALLED! like seriously 2 days of waiting!

You: hahahahaha I'm sorry I just realized now that you wrote your number at my phone! *blushes*

Gd: hahahahaha OK so you wanna hang out or something?

You: yeah sure




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