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"Thank you." I shook hands with the manager at the car dealership. I decided to buy Asante a Porsche Cayenne. I know she's using my Toyota Fortuner but I decided to buy her a brand new car. It will be delivered next week on her birthday.

Leaving the dealership I drove home. I didn't find her when I arrived but I know she's at her parents home. I hope everything goes well and her parents go easy on her.

I decided to cook funny while waiting for her. I finished cooking around 7pm but I was surprised when I didn't hear her driving in. She was supposed to be here an hour ago or maybe she's sleeping over. Let me just call her.

Her phone went straight to voicemail so I decided to just wait a bit. She'll call me when she's not busy to update me. I ate my food and put the rest inside the fridge. I switched off the TV and the lights then proceeded upstairs. I took a quick shower and tried Asante's phone again but it didn't go through.

I decided to send her a voice note on WhatsApp.

“Sunshine you do know that I hate it when you switch off your phone? At least do update me when you're sleeping over at your home. You know I would never mind. I love you and our baby. Take care of my angel. Goodnight.” I send the voice note then got inside the comforter and slept.


I woke up early and rushed to work. I have back to back messages today.

"Good morning sir." My PA barged in without knocking. I'll forgive it for today.

"Morning." She updated me about today. While she was still tal, there was a knock at the door.

"We are still busy!" She yelled. I gave her a deadly stare before standing up and opening the door. It was Asante's mother.

"Hi Nkosi. Can I come in or you're busy?"

"I'm sorry about that. Come in." I opened the door further and closed it. I swear I saw miss Gumede rolling her eyes.

"You look familiar." Asante's mother said to my PA.

"Of course I do. I'm Thandi Gumede's daughter." She was looking angry staring at Asante's mom.

"What? You just look like her. Please greet her for me." She smiled.

"Unfortunately I can't. She told me everything you did to her." She rolled her eyes and left. She's fired. I'm not going to have a PA who doesn't respect my family. She's been annoying me since she sat foot in here but I always forgave her.

"She's so bitter like her Mom. She can go to hell. Anyway I'm here to see you." She sat down on the couch and I joined her.

"I heard about the pregnancy. Congratulations."

"Thank you Ma'am."

"Argh just call me Ma. I hope you're not going to drop my daughter like a hot potato because her dad would kill someone." She chuckled.

"I would never."

"Where is she anyway? I went to your house but the guards told me she's not home so I figured maybe she's here. But I got suprised when the receptionist said she haven't seen her."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Asante. I want her to come see her dad today. I told him about the pregnancy and he's sulking like a little child. That man doesn't want Asante to grow."

"I thought she had a sleepover."

"Sleepover where? Asante left around four pm yesterday." I stood up.

"She didn't come home." I was starting to panic but I didn't want to think the worst.

Her mother frowned. Asante may look like her father but right now her mother looks like her."What do you mean she didn't come home?"

"She didn't come home. I thought she slept there." I explained. This is unlike Asante.

"Let me try her phone." She called her but just like me it took her to voicemail.

"Nkosinathi where's my daughter?" She was starting to panic as well.

"Please don't worry. I'll find her." I tried assuring her but deep down I was scared.

"You better." She walked out. I took my phone from the table and called Sethu.

"Daddy to be." He answered.

"Man I can't find Asante. She didn't come home last night and nobody has seen her since."

"What? Did you call her friends and ask them?"

"She doesn't have friends man. She was visiting her parents and left there around four pm and drove to my place but she never reached."

He whistled."Let me trace her phone location."

"Track my Toyota Fortuner. She was driving it."

"Gimme few minutes." I heard some shuffling before I heard him typing something on his laptop.

"The car is not far from her home and her phone is switched off. I can't trace it."

"Thank you man." I hang up and took my car keys. I told Asanda to cancel all my meetings for today.

I drove to the location Sethu send me and indeed I found her car but she was not there. Not even her phone. The car was parked at an abandoned building. I searched for her but there was no sign of her. Sethu called.

"Did you find anything?"

"Her car is here but she's nowhere to be seen. Who took her?"

"Nathi relax. I'll gather everyone and we are coming there." He hang up.

Two hours later they showed up. Nosipho gave me a hug.

"We are going to find her." I just nodded. They also looked around and Luthuli came with a cloth.

"It smells of chloroform. It looks like she was taken." No!

"We will try our best to look for her. I'll make sure this becomes the top priority case in the police station." My cousin Amanda said.

I drove with IJ to my parents house. He insisted on me not being alone.

"Bhuti I heard what happened." Unathi ran to me and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry." I didn't want to tear up in front of my sister.

I took out my phone and gave it to her. "Can you call her family members?"

"Yeah. You can go take a rest. Your super sister will manage everything." She smiled but I couldn't return the smile back. I went to my old bedroom and sat on the bed. This time I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I hope no one harms her or our baby. I need both of them.

The door opened and my mother walked in and gave me a hug. I may be old to my mom's shoulder will always be available to hold my tears. She had seen me at my lowest and I could never be ashamed to show my vulnerable side to her. Sunshine please come back.

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