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I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was on a bed. This doesn't look like my room and I quickly remembered that I was kidnapped. Where am I?

The door opened and a beautiful woman in a elegant gown walked in. She was holding a tray and came to sit down on the bed with me.

"Hello Asante. I'm Thandolwethu but you can call me Lwethu. All my friends call me that." She smiled. Well pity for her I'm not her friend.

"What do you want from me Thandolwethu?"

"Cheeky? Well it's not going to work for you. I have many reasons to kill you and zero reasons not to kill you but I'm kind. So I'll spare you. You're my ticket to hurting Nkosinathi because he broke my heart."

"And what did I do?"

"For example,you came into his life. You made him pay my lobola to you,you gave him a child. Shall I go on?" When she mentioned my child she gave me shivers.

"How did you know I'm pregnant?"

She smirked."I know everything. I brought you food."

"I'm not going to eat that." It was sandwich and fruits and a glass of juice but what if it's poisoned.

"Then you'll starve your baby because you are stuck here forever." She rolled her eyes and left the room. I took the tray and threw it away.

The door opened again this time and a woman walked in and cleaned everything. Now I feel bad.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to her.

"It's okay. I'm Samantha." She introduced herself.

"I'm Asante. Do you think you can help me leave this place?"

"I've got to go." She quickly rushed out. Great. Now I'm stuck in here.

I stood up and walked to the window. I was on the top floor and outside there was nothing but a forest. I wonder what is Nkosi doing? I wish I could hear his voice or at least tell him that I'm okay. At least for now.


You know how being hungry is like but sometimes you can persevere but being pregnant and hungry is a different thing which is why I found myself at the kitchen. I found Samantha cleaning the kitchen counter.

"Can I help you?" She smiled. She looks friendly but why did she hold me hostage.

"I'm hungry. Can I make my own food or I'm not allowed to?" I don't trust anyone.

"Go ahead." She gestured to the fridge and I opened it. I was met with all different kinds of food. I took out the left overs and the fruits and also juice and a chocolate.

I couldn't believe I was eating after starving for an entire day.

"You sure are hungry." Samantha mumbled.

"I'm pregnant of course I'm hungry." I rolled my eyes.

"You're pregnant?" Her face expression changed.

"I thought everyone know." I drank my juice. I love this juice.

"But that is wrong. How far are—"

I interrupted her."I'm three months pregnant. I swear if someone ask me that question again I'm going to get angry."

"Hmmm. Anyway do you have any cravings? I could squeeze in anything you want."

"I want a phone to call my fiance since this doesn't feel like kidnapping." I'm grateful though. I want to give birth to this baby even if it's the last thing I do.

"Anything but not a phone." I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Then how am I supposed to survive?"

"By eating Asante. Please don't make my job miserable." Samantha begged. Haibo? She's the one who kidnapped me.

"How when you've kidnapped me?"

"I have more cleaning to do." She left the kitchen. I continued emptying the fridge until I was full. I walked around the house and saw a beautiful garden but the sliding door was locked. There was no library where I could read books but at least there was a TV. I sat in front of the TV and watched it.

It was a distraction for a while until I saw a movie where a woman was pregnant and her husband was supporting her throughout the pregnancy. It made me cry. I miss Nkosinathi. I'm scared that I may not make it and he's going to be hurt. He's a softie that one and once he's emotionally hurt, he's hurt.

"You do know that crying is not going to save you?" Thandolwethu walked inside the room.

"Fûck you Thandolwethu!" I was about to pass her when she slapped me.

"I'm doing you a favour. If it was someone else,they would have tied you on a chair. Your name means thank you but you're not grateful. Argh!" She's talking as if she's doing me favour. Why can't she just let me go?

"Your name also means our love but you're vile." I passed her and went to my bedroom here and cried on the bed.


It's been a month since I was here and if it was not my precious angel who's growing in my tummy I would have committed suicide.

"I wonder what daddy is doing right now." I talked to my tummy. I know she's listening.

"Probably missing you." Samantha said from the door. She's kind and we get along now but she says she can't help me escape. I've tried believe me but the lift here works on Thandolwethu's voice and eyes recognition plus a secret code. Plus the guards who are downstairs?

There are stairs here and they lead to an underground basement. It's so dark in there that you wouldn't survive.

"The doctor is here." Oh,the doctor. Yeah there's a doctor who comes monthly to check up on me and my baby.

"Tell her to come in." She nodded and walked out. I'm pretty sure the doctor is Thandolwethu's friend. I've once asked her to help me escape and she dismissed the topic.

"How is mommy and baby doing today?" She walked in with a smile. I rolled my eyes. "Right. Let me just do my work."

There was already ultrasound equipments in my room. She used them to listen to the heartbeat of the baby and I couldn't smile more listening to the heartbeat of my tiny human.

"It's a magical feeling I know. I have two children." The doctor said.

"If you have children then why did you kidnap me while I'm pregnant?"

"I'm just doing my job Asa. All I have to do is make sure you two are okay. Do you want to know the gender?"

"I already know it's a girl."

"How did you find out?" She was shocked.

"The same way I'm going to leave from here. If you're done please leave my room." She gave me the ultrasound pictures and quickly walked out of the room.

I sat down on the bed and stared at the pictures."Baby I can't wait for you to get out of there. I can't wait to hold you in my hands and love you. You're the motivation I need right now to get out of here. Waking up everyday and remembering that I'm pregnant is the best feeling in the world. I feel like I'm so connected to you. I keep wondering what I'm going to name you though. Well five more months for you to find out. Mommy loves you."

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