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In first grade I started wearing a hat out of nowhere, at recess two bullies decided to investigate.

 I was sitting on the bench trying to be invisible when I felt a pebble hit me in the back of the head. I turned just in time for my hat to be pulled off. My shaved head was exposed to everyone, the two bullies laughed “why is your hair like that, are you actually a boy!?” The other boy piped up “yeah your name should be Marvin now since you look like a boy!” The laughing continued and some other kids laughed along. I could feel my head get hot and tears starting to run down my face “its not my fault I got head lice, besides if I was a boy I'd kick your asses!” The bully with my hat dropped it on the ground and stepped on it, “ew gross! And you're dirty!” 

“She's a boy and shes dirty that's so gross!” The boys start laughing again. I curl up and feel the tears coming back. “Hey knock it off, unless yous are wanting a scrap!” I look up to see Wayne coming from the corner with a couple rocks in his hand. “You don't want to mess with us shirt tucker!” The boys say back Wayne squints his eyes and throws the rocks hitting them both square in the forehead. There's a silence then the two erupt in tears running away “you aren't getting away with this shirt tucker!” Wayne walks up and hands me my hat. A simple head nod to me and I smile “Thanks Wayne.” 

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