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A week had passed and I was restless. When there was a knock at the door. I got up quickly and headed down the stairs. My steps slowed as I realized my mother was at the door, still in her silk pajamas and feathered robe. 

“Well aren't you a handsome man, what brings you to my doorstep this *hick* morning” she slurs out. “Mam I am here for Megen Riley, is she home?” I could see the scowl form on her face, she turned “MAGE-” and cut herself off when she made eye contact with me. “Oh..Here she is.” she said cold slipping out the doorway taking a few wobbly steps back. I step into view of the man at the door, a young man in a suit, with a name tag around his neck, with the name of the bank in town above his. “Ms. Riley?” he asks “yeah that's me” I do everything I can to stop the smile from taking over. “Well the bank has accepted your offer. This is the deed to the property” He holds out a leather bound folder to me. I take it excitedly but quickly calm myself. “Thanks” I simply say holding the folder to my chest. The man nods his head and turns to leave. I close the door and turn to see my mother with a face of disgust, “Ugh, so this is what you are doing with all that money your father worked so hard to make for you.” I stifle a sign and head up the stairs into my room. I grabbed my suitcase I had packed a few days before. Heading back down. I go put my effects back on “you know that money was meant for your college education, not for you to go out and get pregnant by some hick up in Canada WHO HAS NO MONEY!” she finished in a scream. I ignored her and walked out the door. On my way out I hear my father behind me on the outside chair he smokes in, “You do wherever you want, but don't be calling us. We can't handle your bullshit attitude anymore.” I sucked in a deep breath and bit my lip. Whatever I say now it won't be worth it. “All my stuff is boxed up in my room, the moving truck will be here soon to pick it up.” I let out a breath and started walking to the truck. I heard my father yelling “YOU UNGRATEFUL-”
I closed the truck door. 

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