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I woke up early, rolled over and grabbed my phone to check my account. “Finally” I thought breathing was a sign of relief. I shot out of bed full of excitement, I had some work to do. But first I have to finish my chores. I was still dark out but you could see the sky was becoming a lighter shade of blue. I went to my bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, looked at myself in the mirror and smiled “today is the day”. 

Pulling on my coveralls and grabbing a pair of fuzzy socks I headed down the stairs to the mudroom. Socks and muck boots on, I grab my name brand tan coat and heat out the door.

Walking at a faster pace than normal I make it to the barn, start up four by four and head to the horse barn.  

Within a record time of two and a half hours I finished my chores for the day. And headed back to the house. 

Still early about 6:30am I made it back to the house before my parents had even started to wake. “Please let me get in and out before they wake up” I said under my breath as I walked into my room again. I started a hot shower washing all the sweat off. In the stillness I hadn't realized that I was out of breath. I hadn't been this excited ever I think to myself. 

I get my jeans and long sleeve on grabbing my signature black carhartt from the closet as well as my running shoes, I sneak back down stairs. I make my way through the kitchen when I hear a growly cough followed by a throat  being cleared from the other room. My heart stops. “Oh shit, damn it. What do I say” I try to calm myself for a few seconds before I talk. “Whatever you are doing, your mother isn't going to like it.” I hear the rough voice of my father pearce through the silence. I sign, hearing the tone in his voice. I know he is just trying to get to me. After a moment I speak up, “I'm just going into town to take care of some business. I'll be back before mom is up, and I'll bring her favorite breakfast, since we are out of tomato juice and vodka” I simply state before heading on my way. 

I grab my keys on my way out and jump into my long bed pickup. 

About an hour drive into town I make it just in time for the bank to open. Once inside i am greeted by a middle aged man, in a suit reaching out to shake my hand. “Ms. Reily it is so good to see you, ten min early, just wonderful!” I reach out and shake the man's hand, a bit off put by his overly cheery tone. I smile “of course, if you aren't early then you’re late” i simply state following him down a hallway to his office. Sitting down he starts things off before I can take a breath, clapping his hands together “well I have gotten all of your affairs arranged, now that you are 25 your trust fund has been put into your name and accounts.” I feel a twitch in the corner of my mouth trying to contain myself of what that represents, my freedom. “Oh and the property I wanted you to look into?” I asked, anxiety creeping into my voice. The man clicks his tongue at the top of his mouth, “yes well about that. I have an offer from the bank, though I am not sure you will like the price, considering the property is in such a.. Quaint rural area” My eyebrows raise “alright let's see what the damage is” I state already feeling as though the place is mine. He hands me some paperwork. I read a few of the details, and flip through the pages seeing pictures of an old familiar house boarded up and spray painted. I felt tears threaten to start rolling, I take a sharp breath in, “I’ll take it.” I state, exhaling a huge breath I didn't realize I had been holding. The man jerks back a bit, controlling his face, but quickly adjusts himself clearing his throat. “Of course,” he says, grabbing another folder of papers, “we just need you to sign a few places here and I will take care of the rest.” 

I huge smile creeped onto my face

As I am walking out the door I have the biggest bounce in my step I have never felt so alive. Getting in my car I inhale slowly, as a feel my lungs fill up a squeal erupts from me and I flail my limbs around “yees! I did it papa. I'm finally coming home!” a single tear rolled down my face.

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