~ Chapter Fifty Three ~

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~ (y/n)'s POV ~

 A few days had passed since Shoto had told me that he had feelings for Marlo. And on top of that, he also told me that he is planning to confess his feelings to him. Sho told me that it's just to get it off his chest though, not to start up anything. 

I mean, good for him! Really! I don't think I could confess my crush to Marlo even if I tried. It just seems like so much pressure for such a high chance for rejection, and personally, I don't think that my ego could take a hit that intense.

But even though I'm proud of him for being brave enough to do this, I really don't want Marlo to hurt him. I know he's trying to get rid of these feeling by confessing and then getting rejected, but I still think that he's gonna hurt if he gets rejected, especially by a friend as close as Marlo. So for the past few days, I've been forming a plan to lessen the pain on both sides, by that I mean the rejector, Marlo, and the rejectee, Sho.

I've been rehearsing for days on end for what to say and what to do. What times and places things need to happen, and where everyone should be. I even made notecards to practice!

After practicing to the point where I don't even have to look at my notecards anymore, I knew that today was the day to enact plan "Save Sho from being crushed by his crush!"

I know, I'm so proud of the name!

"(y/n)! Get down here! We need to leave!" My dad bellowed from the floor bellow.

I jolted at his booming tone, but quickly responded out of fear, "C-coming!" I shouted back nervously.

I stuffed the notecards in my gym bag, just in case, and ripped the door open, and dashed downstairs. I ran past my dad and Sho, getting into the car before I could be yelled at for holding him up.

Once everyone was in, we headed off to his agency and started warming up until Marlo got there.

Alright, time to enact the plan...

Step one: Get dad out of the room, for obvious reasons.

"Hey, Dad!" I shouted from across the room to get his attention.

He grunted, turning around to face me, "What?" He glared.

"O-oh, um..." 

'shit, shit! Why am I blanking now? Think, (y/n), think! What were on those notecards?'

I could not remember for the life of me!

but all of a sudden, the universe must've heard my cry for help because his phone monitor started to beep.

"Y-your phone monitors beeping! You might wanna go answer that!" I exclaimed, pointing at the sleek metal box on the wall.

He sighed and picked up a rag, wiping his brow before exiting the gym and heading to his office to answer what I hope is a long call.

I let out a sigh of relief, placing my palm on my chest, "Thank you, to whoever did that. I owe you big time." I whispered under my breath.

"But...the monitor wasn't beeping when you called for him..." Sho stated, calling my bluff.

I slightly panicked, but managed to stay calm, "O-oh...that! Well, um...I was looking for an excuse to get rid of him for a few minutes, and that luckily came to my rescue!" I stated, technically not lying.

"But why?" Marlo asked, joining in the interrogation against me.

I cleared my throat, "My dad's an asshole, I just wanted a few minutes away from him...is that too much to ask for?" I blatantly stated, hoping that was enough to get both of them off my case.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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