~ Chapter Forty Six ~

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~ Katsuki's POV ~

The whole rest of the day dragged on for what felt like eternity. It felt like all of time went still, but I was the only one cursed to move.

Why did she have to leave me in the dust like that?

Sure, my teacher came out to find me, but I could've just told my teacher that she was a friend of mine and we meet up at lunch, but I didn't hear the bell! She didn't have to spaz out on me like that and run away!

I sighed and kept rocking my pencil back and forth in between my fingers, developing a repetitive beat on my desk. I just want to go home, I'm so bored! Maybe I can fake being sick or something like-


I flinched out of my daze and looked up with wide eyes, "Huh?"

'Shit, I wasn't focusing!' I thought, scolding myself.

I looked around at my class and saw a handful of them snickering and whispering to each other, well, except that useless nerd, but he doesn't count. My eyes widened is disbelief. Do they know who they're laughing about? I felt my teeth grit and my brow furrow as I pushed myself from out of my desk and stood up.

"You extras got something to say?" I asked harshly, making all of them look my way with wide eyes, "Then say it to my face, cowards!" I yelled at them before storming out of the class.

I could feel the room go silent as I pushed my way through the door, and even though she didn't say anything, I could hear my teacher's heels clicking rapidly against the tiled floor, chasing after me. I felt her hand finally grip my shoulder and I looked up at her and met her gaze.

"Office. Now." She instructed, still keeping her firm grip on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged her hand off, and we started to make our way to the office. Once we got there, my teacher went into the principal's office and had him make a call to my mom for her to come and pick me up.

Well at least I won't have to fake anything to leave this damn place...

My teacher went and grabbed my stuff for me while I waited and after about thirty minutes, and then my mom stepped through the office doors and looked at me with a somber, yet angered expression, causing me to look down at my feet. I could hear her let out a heavy sigh as she sat down in one of the chairs next to me.

"So, what he get into this time?" She asked, almost as if she expected this to happen.

"Well, it was a series of events," my principal spoke, easing her into the situation, "But he's been losing focus in class a lot, and just today, he was missing from class after lunch for around half an hour. He claimed that he was hanging out with some girl, but his teacher looked around and saw no one there." He briefly explained to mom, "His teacher thinks that he should get his anger issues checked out and get them under control. She thinks that If he gets it under control, that he'll be able to focus in class more and stop coming up with some random story to get him out of trouble. We only want what's best for our students, Mrs. Bakugou, and maybe it'll help if you set a better example for him."

After a few moments of silence, my mom let out a dry laugh, "Alright, I completely agree that he should get his anger under a certain amount of control, but you stepped over the line when you insulted my skills as a parent! I know that he gets his anger for me, and I've been through behavioral seminars to try and 'fix' me all throughout my childhood, and it really only aggravated me more. So my husband and I made the choice to not throw him into that childhood spent in and out of classes and appointments, just because he's a little more irritable than the other perfect little angles you have! I don't want that life for my son!" She ranted, "And as for his recent behavior at school, the brat may be annoying, but he is an excellent student! He would never skip school on purpose! That's just not who he is! Y'know what? He probably was playing heroes out in the field and couldn't hear the bell! Have you ever thought that it could be a genuine mistake on his part? And as for the focus thing, all kids have a short attention span! They're kids! You can't expect them to sit still and focus on every damn thing you do!" She explained, defending me.

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