Chapter 2 - Out the Window

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After a long walk, I finally made it to class. I noticed that most of the seats were already taken, which should be no surprise because of the delay that we experienced on the bus. However, luck finally seemed to be on my side since the chair in the back of the classroom, right next to the window, was left open. I would've picked that location anyways so at least I have this going for me.

I sat in the seat and did a quick glance around the class. Some of my classmates already seemed to be socializing with one another and I can't help but feel that I might already be a little behind. Still, there were a few in the same situation that I was in, so maybe that wasn't the case. Students started to come in through the door and take the remaining empty seats.

Every one of these students happened to be on the same bus that I was, so I guess the class really was just waiting for us. Kushida came in and chose a seat near the front of the class, while the boy with short brown hair chose a seat near the back. The red haired athletic guy, who I'll just temporarily refer to as delinquent because of his appearance, chose one of the seats behind him in the very back of the class. The seat in front of me was taken by a girl with long brown hair too. God, I really need to learn some names.

This left two seats in the class which were both in my row, the back row. One to my immediate right, and the one closest to the door which was right next to the delinquent. The girl with long black hair ,that I was all too familiar with, walked into class and...froze? She looked back and forward between the two seats. She looked at me, then looked at the delinquent, as if trying to judge which was the lesser of two evils.

Is this decision really that hard for her? Does she dislike me already?

In the end, she walked over to the seat near me and sat down. We exchanged a glance but didn't say anything, I feel like I probably should though. The confident blonde guy was the last one to enter the class and sit. I never really paid attention to it but he seems to have quite a well built physique. He didn't seem to mind the seat he was given though, if anything, he seemed happy judging by the smile he currently had on his face.

So every seat in the class was now taken, meaning that we were now just waiting on the teacher.

I heard that it's essential to make friends at the very start because it'll become harder as time goes on due to defined groups already being established, but it's easier said than done. I guess I could try to start some conversation with the one I'm most familiar with.

"Hey." I softly said, trying to get her attention.

She turned to face me, and probably looked as indifferent as I did. Actually, she looked a little bothered.I think she's just one of those people that have that resting face though.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked.

"I'm still a little dizzy, but fine I guess." She responded.

"Ah....Same for me."


Wow, this is hard. The White Room could have never prepared me for this.

Luckily, before we could really bathe in silence, the teacher came in.

She walked up to the front of the class, carrying a bin with phones in it and examining the students as she did so. Her gaze eventually fell on me, and then went to the next.

I feel like she lingered on me a little longer than the others. I'm probably just imagining it.

If I had to describe our teacher in one word, it would certainly be professional. If I had two, I would add beauty onto that. I feel like this is going to be a rather strict class, but what else should we expect from the Advanced Nurturing High School?

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