Beginnings and A Beautiful Sunset

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Say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe

Walker's POV

My door burst open as Ella came running into my room.

"Walker it's your first day of school! Are you excited?"

"No. Yes. Maybe. Kind of? I don't know."

"We get our timetables today, that's exciting! Hopefully we have classes together!"

I felt kind of nervous going to a public school. It would only be a day or so until the public knew where I am attending school, two days for paparazzi to show up. Being a public figure now made it kind of daunting. I know people will just want to be friends with me because I'm famous, I just hope I cam find some good people.


"Okay this is it." I murmured. I turned and gave my best friend a quick hug, to which she returned. Her face was kind of flushed when I let go, maybe I should have turned the aircon on.

I jogged down the stairs and grabbed my backpack. Leena was already in the car, on her phone texting her friends. Leena didn't have it difficult. She has lots of friends and a boyfriend. I have Ella and two of her friends. Even then they are her  friends not mine.

Soon enough we pulled up by the school. It was time and I just didn't feel ready.

"Get out slowpoke." Leena said to me.

I dragged my feet out the car door and immediately saw 10 people staring at me. Then the whispering started and more heads turned. Ella stood next to me protectively, looking around at the other kids.

"Come on let's just get our timetables." She whispered to me, grabbing my arm. 

As we walked down the hallways, kids whispered as we passed by. This is a bad sign. Everyone would know soon.

Ella and I signed in and got our timetables. My hands were shaking slightly as I held it.

"Okay 3, 2, 1" Ella said

We both opened our timetables and I looked for my first class.

"First period I have English with Miss Gray." I said.

"Yes same we are the same class!"

"Second period science with Dr Herry."


"Third period HPE with Mr Laught"

"Noo I have art with Miss Banks"

"Fourth period math with Mrs Dinns"

"Same class"

"And fifth period business with Mr Owens"

"I have HPE with Ms King"

The bell rang and we both went to our first class.

----Time Skip to Lunch----

"The first two lessons were so good we got to sit with each other!" Ella said excitedly

"I know that was so lucky!"

"Hopefully Mrs Dinns won't give us a seating plan!"

The bell rang and we walked to our math class. Mrs Dinns stood at the front of the line, an old lady with grey hair and a mean looking face stood at the front of the line.

"Class, this will be a no nonsense lesson. Please walk in silently and find your seats."

Ella and I shared a scared glance at each other before filing into the classroom. My heart sunk when I saw I was separated from Ella. I gave her a sad smile before moving to my seat at the back. Ella's friend Jenna was sitting in front of me , she smiled at me before sitting down. The lesson was the most boring thing ever. I already knew most of the work, and I answered the worksheets easily. I was daydreaming when Jenna turned around and tapped on my desk.

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