January 17, 2024 - One shot campaign

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Our usual dm wasnt here today (yes I came to dnd after 2 weeks) so DM 2 just had us do a onesot campaign

There werent a lot if ppl today

There was a group of maybe 5 - 7 in the hallway, a group of 3 on the side (they played nyan cat on repeat it was annoying), and us (a group of four.)

We were fighting a giant lizard king because Surina punched him. We escaped the lizard and now we're in a tavern and all the lizards are angry and now we have to get into a bar fight.

Candice persuades the lizard folk to be angry at Surina because it's his fault and she wasn't even there at the fight.

Surina tries to persuade the lizard folk that he's their friend and fails. Now even the stragglers are angry at him.

Grimidim buys a drink for the lizard folk so they'll be less mad at him. Each lizard is about 5 feet tall so Grimidim buys 5 drinks for 15 gold. Most of the lizards are okay with him and one of them is mad because Grimidim made them drink it.


Surina puts on an athletics show. He stands up on a stage, kicks off the singer, and mesmerizes most of the audience. One lizard throws a beer at him.

Candice tries to push Surina off to put on an athletics show and the crowd boos and throws stuff at her. She takes 4 damage.

Grimidim inspects his surroundings. There are about 32 lizard folk crowding around Surina. There are some in the dark that he can't make out.

The lizard folk are alerting each other because Grimidim said something about a molotov cocktail. They will attack all of us because they're not sure where it came from. They're both punching and throwing severed hands at us. One hits and we all take 2 damage.

Surina picks something up from the ground and rubs the dirt off it. A genie comes out: "I heard you wanted to be a politician." He gives Surina a well-tailored suit and a hat and now Surina is on a podium telling everyone how the bar should be run. He persuades most of the lizard folk to vote for him for free drinks and kicks out the bartender. Surina is now 286 gold in debt to the bar. There are 100 lizard folk.

Candice wishes to become a politician and is now in a well-tailored suit and a tiny hat and she stands at the podium that Surina once stood at. No one likes her campaign.

The lizard folk ask Surina for refills and attack him when he says the drinks were not free.

Grimidim wishes to leave and is teleported out the window and is now watching as Surina and Candice try to persuade a group of politically active lizard folk.

Four lizards walk up onto the stage wearing less than fancy attire. "I will make this bar better! Make this bar better again!" One of them is really old and tired, the next is not really a lizard but a kobold, and the last is whatever came before the kobold.

Surina sees a closet in the distance. It's filled to the brim with stuff. He checks the closet to see if there's anything interesting. He sees a rack of costumes of all different species.

A disembodied voice says: "I try to start a bar fight and now it's just a political campaign."

Candice takes out a lizard folk costume and puts it on. She now looks like a weird lizard folk because she is one inch too short for the costume. It's a little long. She hides in the crowd and everyone is too busy fighting with the debate team to notice a weird looking lizard.

Grimidim goes to grab himself a bucket of popcorn. He goes to the movie theater and asks for popcorn to take to the bar. The ticket seller is a little confused: "We're not showing any movie called The Bar."

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