December 6, 2023 - Campaign 1

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Campaign 1

We're in Kate's weapon shop, which is next to Kate's bookshop and Joe's bookshop.

We browse, and Candice wants to get chainmail armor, but she's poor and doesn't have enough money. Candice decides to take out a loan of 45 gold pieces.

There are 3 banks that we can see: a big majestic one, The Noble's Emporium of Emporiums, an average bank, The Bank of Banks, and an old rundown bank with a sign that reads: FREE BEER! and below in smaller text, "And now that I've got your attention, here's a bank".

Candice decides to go to The Bank of Banks and set up her account. An old cranky dude gives her a questionnaire

What race are you? Dragonborn

What color? Green

"Okay, this way, how much do you want to take out?"


"Okay sign here." He waves his hand and a paper and quill fizzle into existence and fly into her hand.

The paper says: "Your name, binding contract." There's a slot for name and how much money to take out.

Candice signs her name and writes, "45 gold."

It fizzles out of existence, and 45 gold appears in her pocket.

"Pay it back in a month or the interest will grow."

Candice goes back to Kate's armor shop.

Celeste wants to buy a dragontooth dagger, but she doesn't have enough money. We decide to go on a task for gold (and maybe a dagger).

Kate's cousin, Bob, owns a bookstore: Bob's bookstore, which has a big book warehouse of scrolls (not books), which is in the mountains, where he keeps materials for his shop. She has heard news that a cult has taken over the warehouse and killed her other cousin, also Bob.

She wants us to beat up the cult members and take back the scrolls they stole.

"Which mountains?" Candice asks.

"That one." She points out the window, and there's a big mountain right there.

"Here, take this." She gives us all health potions.

Candice buys chainmail armor and puts it on.

As we're walking up the mountain, 3 or 4 miles away from the town. About 2 miles away from the mountain, we hear an arrow whistle out of the bushes, and it hits Candice, and she takes 3 damage.

We see one of the attackers in the bushes to Candice's left.

Surina fires an arrow into the bushes and misses.

All of a sudden, the ground under us flips up and we fly into a tree and get tangled into a mess.

A dude in the tree goes: "Stop, cultists! Stop doing cult things! I was running a warehouse with Bob, for Bob, and you cultists ran in and stole two books! So now I have to kill you cultists!"

Surina convinces him that we aren't cultists, and he says "oh ok" and we fall out of the tree and we take 1 damage.

"Can you help us find the cultists?" We ask. "What do you think I'm doing?" the guy says.

We follow the dude up the mountain, and he jumps and is in a six foot tree, and he starts running through the trees. We get to a rock that is overlooking a large valley, and we can see a really big house that has three sections. The first section looks like two hills, but like on their side. Each section is a letter, and together they spell out the name "Bob".

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